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Blake's POV

I waited for about 20 minutes before I saw the glint of Rose pedales zoom across the night sky. A few seconds later Ruby came over the hill with Yang and Weiss.

"BLAKE!"cried Ruby as she stumbled down the hill. They were soon followed by Ozpin and Glynda as well as an emergency team from Vale. I picked up Y/N and carried him to the paramedics. They set Y/N gently down on a stretcher.

"Is he going to be okay?"I asked. The medics nodded.

"He'll be fine."one said before they picked up Y/N and carried him away. I held my arm as RWY came up to me.

"Blake, are you okay?"asked Ruby.

"I'm fine but Y/N..."I started before Ozpin walked over to us.

"What happened Miss. Belladonna?"asked Ozpin. I sighed before speaking.

"I was looking for Y/N and then this flaming Bullhead fell from the sky and Y/N was in it. Then I called Ruby."I said. Ozpin nodded.

"How strange."said Ozpin.

"What is it?"asked Glynda.

"This Bullhead. Is Atlas property."said Ozpin. I looked at the ship to see the Bullhead symbol on the side. A sneered at the ship before looking up at dozens of Bullheads floating down. They landed in the field before Atlas soldiers ran out of them. I walked towards them.

"BLAKE! WAIT!"cried Weiss. I walked past the soldiers and right into General Ironwood.

"What did you do with him?"I asked.

"Who Miss. Belladonna?"asked Ironwood.

"Y/N."I said.

"Is he alright?"he asked.

"No, he fell from the sky in one of YOUR Bullheads!"I said. Ironwood rubbed his chin.

"Strange."he said. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Ozpin.

"I'll take it from here."he said. I nodded before walking back to my team. I past them and headed to the hospital.

"Blake..."said Ruby. I ignored her and started to jog to the hospital before I broke into a run. I had to see if Y/N was alright. He was such a kind person. I couldn't understand why something so terrible could happen to such a nice person. I had to find out. I turned around to see my team following me.

"Blake! Stop!"cried Yang. Even if Yang was my best friend, I had to find Y/N. I saw the front door of the hospital to see a parked emergency van outside. I dashed into the front door to find the receptionist typing away on her computer.

"Hello ma'am."she said.

"I need to find someone."I said out of breath.

"Name please?"she asked.

"L/N, Y/N L/N."I said. She smiled before pointing down the hall.

"Down the hall to the left, room 117."she said.

"Thank you."I said. I followed her directions to find a room with an open door. I walked in to see Y/N with a respirator on his face hooked to a machine and dozens of wires and needles in his arm. I sat next to him in a seat and held his hand. My team soon ran down the hall.

"Blake?"started Ruby before she saw Y/N. A tear fell from each of my team's faces. They all came next to me and sat with me.

"Y/N."I said quietly. My team sighed.

"We'll stay with you for a bit."said Ruby.

"Thanks guys."I said. They nodded. They all pulled up seats and we waited.

3 hours later...

I yawned as my team headed out the door.

"Are you sure you'll be okay by yourself?"asked Ruby. I nodded.

"Yeah."I said through another yawn.

"Just be back soon."said Yang. I nodded again as my team left me alone with a sleeping Y/N. I heard them say their goodbyes to the doctor before leaving. Me and the last doctor were the only people in left in the hospital. I sat for about 15 minutes before I heard footsteps. My ears perked up as I looked outside to see the doctor down the hall speaking to someone.

"Sirs, I'm sorry but the hospital is about to close up. So I'm gonna have to ask..."said the doctor before the person he was talking to stabbed him in the neck with a knife. I gasped as I hid behind the door. I heard the doctor gurgling his own blood before a loud thud could be heard. Then even more footsteps followed walking down the hall.

"Search every room. We have to find the convict."said the leader of this group of hitmen. I heard them open doors all the way down the hall. Silenced gunshots rang out as they were possibly murdering other patients.

"Clear."they repeated. I took a deep breath before accidently knocking into a shelf, causing a bottle to fall and smash on the ground causing an ear-ringing shatter. I clenched my teeth as I readied Gambol Shroud.

"What was that?"said one of the hitman.

"Go check it out."said another.

"Roger roger."said another one. I heard footsteps carefully walk down the hall before a man in black with combat armor and night vision goggles barrel into the room. He aimed his weapon at the bed.

"I've found the convict."the hitman said before drawing a pistol and aiming at Y/N. I then jumped and kicked him in the face before punching him out into the hallway.

"We got a huntress!"the leader said. I dashed towards the hitmen and slashed the lead one before I jumped up and spun to kick 4 of the hitmen out of the fight.

"SAFARI KICK!"I cried quoting Y/N. The last 3 fired their silenced weapons as I ran up a wall and fired Gambol shroud at the hitmen, killing 2 of them. The last one pulled out a sword and dashed at me. I ran towards him as well. I slid down and sliced across, splitting the hitman on the floor. He screeched across the floor, blood following before he came to a stop, dead. I sighed as I put away Gambol shroud.

"FOR THE GENERAL!"said a voice. I turned around to see a hitman pointing a gun at me. I reached for Gambol shroud before a gunshot rang out. I looked back at hitman to see a hole in his head. He slummped over before collapsing on the ground I looked up to see Y/N holding a pistol and leaning against a door frame. He dropped the gun before looking at the dead hitman.

"Bitch."Y/N said.

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