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Cinder's POV

We had held this mysterious girl prisoner since she arrived. Me and Roman had tried to decide what to what to do with her.

"What should we decide to do with her?"Roman asked.

"I just said that."asked the Author. I stroked my hair to decide.

"We need Y/N here. He may know her."I said.

"Agreed."said Roman. I pulled out my scroll and dialed Y/N. I waited a few seconds before he picked up.

"Yeah?"said Y/N, sounding like he was out of breath.

"Hey um some girl came by, around your age and she is asking for you."I said.

"Thanks, I'll come by in a hour."said Y/N as he took a deep breath.

"What are you doing?"I asked.

"Running from my teacher. She's scary."Y/N whispered.

"MR. L/N!!! COME BACK HERE NOW!"cried a female voice in the background.

"Gotta go! Bye mom!"Y/N said before he hung up. My eyes closed as I smiled. Roman laughed too.

"Well we know he's coming."said Roman through his fit of giggles. I walked past Roman and entered my bedroom.

'Y/N, you're something else.'I thought.


I ran past dozens of trees and people as I ran through the streets of Vale. I could hear Glynda hot on my trail.  I jumped onto a car before hopping onto the roof. I then sprinted to Cinder's 'secret' base. I started to lose track of Glynda with this short cut. People can't run that far in high heels.

"People don't run that far in high heels."I said

"Am I just not here or..."the Author said. I jogged past the Author and jumped off the building landing in front of Cinder's base. I walked inside as dozens of White Fang members saluted me as I walked by.

"Where is Cinder?"I asked a member.

"She's this way."said the soldier as he led me into a large room with a large glass box sitting in the middle of the room with a figure sitting inside the box. I walked by the box the figure stood still. I didn't notice Cinder standing in front of me.

"Y/N you're here."Cinder said. I yelped as I jumped into someone's arms. I looked up to Roman holding me.

"Hi Roman."I said with a cute look.

"Hey."he said with a smile. I hopped out of his arms as I walked up to Cinder.

"Sorry about that."I said. Cinder looked like she was about to explode with laughter. She took a deep breath before she spoke.

"Thanks for coming."said Cinder with a smirk.

"Anytime, now what do you need?"I asked clapping my hands. My clap seemed to startle the figure inside the box, for the figure stood up with a hood over their head and looked at me. I couldn't see their eyes but I could tell they were staring at me. I cleared my throat as Cinder started.

"Well when you were at Beacon, this girl came and asked to see you, like she has been following us. We put here in the Box because we knew she was a threat to our plans."Cinder finished. I nodded.

"I'll take care of it."I said. As I walked towards the door into the box, Cinder grabbed my arm.

"Be careful, she killed 10 men."she said. I nodded before walking to the door.

"Open it."I said. The White Fang soldier looked hesitant at first before he pressed a button and pulled a small lever. The door hissed and opened as steam came out of the pipes. I walked in as I stood in the room as the door was shut again.

"So you must be Y/N?"she asked with a hint of evil intentions in her voice.

"I am."I proposed.

"Well then."she said as she stood up and took off her hood as my jaw hit the floor.

"It's good to see you again......brother."

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