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   Y/N POV

I dropped my sword as my eyes were wide. The girl walked towards me.

"My you have changed!"she said as she held my chin. I pushed her away as I picked up my sword and backed up against the wall.

"You're not real! You're just in my head!"I said as my hands clenched my head.

"What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost?"my sister asked. I shook as I drew my sword and pointed it at her.

"Stay back! Your a demon! Made by Hell itself!"I said as I quickly hit the door to let me out. The White Fang guard quickly opened the door as I fell outside. I crawled away as my sister approached me. I stood up and slashed the control panel, which locked the door.

"Keep her locked in there! FOREVER!"I said as I put my sword away. I turned and walked away. 

"Y/N, what the hell?"asked Cinder. Roman didn't say anything as he looked at me with a look of worry.

"She is my sister, Alexis. She was born a year after I was. She was the troublemaker. She brought the Grimm. Ever since then I have hated her. Why has she come now?"I explained. Cinder held my arm.

"What do we do about her?"asked Cinder.

"Kill her. She is to dangerous."I said. Cinder nodded.

"You wouldn't kill me would you brother?"asked a voice. I turned around to see my sister out of her cell with a dead White Fang guard. My eyes widened as I drew my sword and Cinder pulled out her fireballs and Roman readied his cane. Alexis smiled as she summoned two swords.

"ShE CAn SummON?!"asked Roman. I nodded. Alexis charged at me first as Roman blocked her attack with his cane. She looked confused as I kicked her back and slashed my sword across her. She flew back and crashed into the box as glass sprinkled across the floor. I then charged as I took another side step and slashed upward. Alexis dodged the attack as she rolled out of the way and kicked in the leg. I hunched over as she tried to kick me again. Cinder fired a ball of flames at Alexis's leg as she flew back from the blow. Roman dived in as he swung his cane down on Alexis's forehead and kept hitting her across the face again and again. Alexis then grabbed Roman's cane and threw him back. I then stood up and kneed Alexis in the stomach. Then I gave her a swift uppercut to the face with the hilt of my sword. She stumbled back as I slashed her again and again as her aura depleted. After one more swing, I kicked straight up, knocking Alexis off her feet and putting her unconscious. I put my sword away as I helped Roman get up.

"Thanks."he said as he wiped dust and blood off his coat.

"No problem."I said with a smile. Cinder walked up behind me and tapped my shoulder.

"Yes?"I asked.

"What should we do with her?"asked Cinder, gesturing to the body of Alexis which was being dragged away by White Fang soldiers.

"Let's take her to Salem. She'll know what to do with her."

King of The Grimm: Reader x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now