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Chan almost cursed when his message wasn't sent.

He tapped to retry again, but it seemed like it would never be sent to Jihoon.

"This place has some cut signal I guess," Chan spoke to himself.

"Yeah probably."

The sudden voice made Chan jumped and turn around. He saw no one, which sent chills on his spine.

"Who's there?"

No one answered. Nobody answered. But there was one. Something answered him.

Chan heard crying noises from a specific direction -which he guessed was from his right- a door.

He stick his ear to the wooden door, trying to hear the sounds clearly and ensure that he was hearing the right thing.

"The murderer is here..." Muttered a voice from inside, voice croaky and its tone signed that the owner was scared and horrified.

Chan heard the second person mutter a name which he unlucky didn't catch. "... Till death do us apart."

Surprising for Chan, he heard a slash and silence was what came after.

It seemed like the people inside -which the young male assumed was only two persons- had killed each other or themselves at the same time.

'Till death do us apart?' Chan wondered to himself.

'What if it was a couple?' Chan added. He recognized the voices belonging to a girl and a boy.

Thinking more of what had just happened, Chan again remembered his card. He didn't knew his role yet.

He remembered Soonyoung mentioning that even if you lose your card, your role is still with you even if you do or do not know it.

But Chan, being the curious guy he is since birth, he was anxious about his role for he didn't knew what he was going to do with the game.

He sighed, and made his way to the hallway ahead of him, planning to check on each rooms as he think about what he had just heard on the room just awhile ago.

What Chan didn't knew that he left his phone, eventually losing it too.

. . .


Wonwoo grumbled, regretting how he stepped on the tile- which was a trapdoor all along. Now where was he?

The dim lights supporting his sight, he noticed he was holding his card all along since the unexpected fall they had just encountered.

Wonwoo frowned as he saw the black cat sign on his card.

'Jeon Wonwoo bag of luck? More like bag of bad luck!'

He grumbled for more until his loneliness bothered him. There were no twelve boys with him. It was only a dim hallway which was ahead of him.

His back still hurts from the falling just awhile ago. He had rubbed it trying to make the pain go away, but it didn't. He sighed in defeat, deciding to just endure.

"Mingyu? Junhui? Are you there?" He called out. But silence was what answered him.

He was really alone. No friends, no family. Definitely alone.

'Where could they be?'

Wonwoo looked at his watch, checking on the time.


It was just five minutes after midnight struck, five minutes after they fell.

Suddenly, he felt the vibration from his phone and immediately got it out to check on the message.


Let the game begin.

. . .


"AISH!" He huffed to himself, completely annoyed.

He regretted having the card he disliked the most. He doesn't blame Jihoon though, for he was the one who distributed the cards to each of them.

He was the ghost.

He was mad by the fact that Seungcheol didn't seem to notice his presence. For now, basically he wouldn't be able to interact with anyone throughout the game.

He wanted the card of the prince, but it seems he was unfortunate and Seungcheol was the luckiest among thirteen of them.

But for now, his plan was to find the other members, although he wouldn't get noticed, neither would his soul. He thought he can use his role as an advantage to save anyone from harm, at least for the better.

Then, his phone vibrated.

He checked on the message quick, only to see a message from unknown number.

'Let the game begin.' It says.

Checking the time on the corner of his phone screen, it was 12:05.

Seungkwan was an independent person, and he is quite confident with himself being the ghost.

At least we should look on the positive side.

He left the vent and exited it as he dropped himself in a dim hallway. He heard rustling from a distance and turned to see the source of the sound.

On a turned way, he saw a shadow. It somehow looked lumpy and weak.

'Now who might it be?' The young Jeju boy wondered to himself.

He gained closer and closer to see who it was; he wasn't scared at all, for he wasn't going to be noticed at all. Certainly, he was really invisible.

When he finally saw the owner of the shadow, it turned out to be a zombie.

Having a long term memory since birth, he knows zombie was one of the cards.

Well, unfortunately, it was unknown for him who the zombie was.

Typical rules of the game.

If you reveal your identity, you're slain.


author area ;

I published this right before they released Highlight Medley and I'm already saying it's damn lit

And also, since we're staying on a vacation away from home, I feel so sorry for the kids who goes trick or treating around my neighborhood for when they knock on our door, no one will greet them and give them candies since no one's home ;; hope when I come back home tomorrow there's still someone trick or treating💞 I love to give children candies on Halloween fight me

I'm also curious too btw about who do you guys think the zombie is

If I have to give a hint? Dongsaeng team ;)

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