੭ु sixteen

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Minghao was way too frustrated to even continue playing this game further. Saying that his situation was easy? He takes that back. Too upset to say anything, he kept quiet inside a blank room. An empty room to be exact, with no doors or windows at all. All it contained were four white walls, a floor and a ceiling. Minghao had no idea how he got here. The last thing he remembers what he did before ending up here was standing on the balcony of Hui Yin while eyeing the shining stars displayed in the night sky.

Too occupied in trying to review all what happened earlier, his heart ached. He didn't knew if he was being suffocated or if it was himself feeling sorry for the little girl. Honestly, he never imagined Jieqiong being a very strict mother that can go far in treating her own child. It was just a game, an illusion, a non-existing dimension, but it seemed too real. Too real, way too real, and too far from fake.

Without even knowing, a tear streaked down Minghao's cheek. He was always good with children, and no way in hell can stand watching them get hurt. Feeling Hui Yin's sorrow, Minghao was done. His heart ached again, this time heavier as if his lungs were being pulled out through his narrow throat, and he knew he was being suffocated. He wasn't sure if it was the game trying to kill him or if it was him trying to suffocate himself, since it was what he wanted anyway. Breath raspy, he lied down the cold floor. No doubts, he was really suffocating himself.

And, at that time, a single question lingered in his mind.

'What is Hui Yin's charm?'

Puzzled, Minghao let out a long sigh. He barely had any air, still feeling suffocated inside the closed room. He was about to close his eyes, when something caught his sight. A screen had appeared in front of him, making him abruptly sit up from the white floor.

Furrowing his eyebrows, he read what the transparent screen had said. In a second, he was confused in choosing the right option.

choose an option to get into the next level of the game ;
Continue • Give Up

Minghao pondered hard for awhile. If he continues, then that means more sufferings to get through until he gets to the end. If he gives up. . . He doesn't know, maybe he'll get back to the real world and exit this dimension? What if he gets killed? No, Minghao tried to calm down himself. I won't die.

He caught a glimpse of the settings icon on the top right corner of the rectangular screen. At that time, Minghao thought. Why not get some details about the choices?

Tapping on it without any hesitation, the screen changes to a different display; there were two paragraphs shown before him, one about the first option and the other about the second.

Minghao reads carefully, even thankful enough that he was not feeling dizzy right now (specifically from the heart tightening situation earlier, when he tried to think hard but end up suffocating himself instead) or else his sight would be blurry from great confusion. Speaking of which, he had recovered quickly from his own crying.

Minghao scanned the words quickly, as if he was in a serious rush. Finishing, he easily understood. To put it together basically, to continue was to continue while to give up was to die and never get out of dimension.

Not making a mistake anymore, Minghao stood up from the floor and tapped the first option.Strangely, he didn't feel any fear or anxiety. Maybe his courage just got back along with his spirit of determination. All Minghao wished was to get out this game anyways.

choose an option to get into the next level of the game ;
Continue • Give Up

Then, after the screen had processed what the player had chosen, another screen greeted him.

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