੭ु seventeen

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Just up above him, the statue of Liberty was displayed there. What made Hansol's jaw almost drop was how the symbolic statue was crumbling into tiny pieces of gravel. It was strangely being wrecked by nothing, and Hansol ponders, maybe the ground shook? Or someone had destroyed the base? Unsure, Hansol decides to seek for help.

Not too far away, Hansol spots a young American couple walking together who seemed to be in their late 20s, hand in hand. They held each other's firm grips gently, tightened with love and protection as if promising for the safety of each other. Sure Hansol would want to admit that, but now is not the time to think about it.

Hansol runs up to them, taking up all his courage and avoid his shyness. Now approaching them, Hansol looked at them, but both didn't seem to even notice him and look back at the young boy. It was as if Hansol was not there at all, him feeling like a nonsense wind.

"H-Hello?" Hansol attempted to greet them. Peculiar as it may seem, the old couple didn't get his wanted attention.

"U-Um, h-hi?" Hansol stutters. Still, he didn't get a response from neither of the two.

Hansol arched an eyebrow, brain trying to process what precisely was happening. In a second, but then another, and at the third second as far as Hansol can possibly count until seventh; The young male fortunately came into a conclusion, which to him apparently made sense and probably was correct.

'I must be invisible,' He says in mind. 'with no one to view me as a visible human like them.'

Suddenly, something Hansol was definitely not expecting to happen unexpectedly did happen at the moment. Almost yelling out a curse, Hansol froze in horror right there on the spot. Zombies came to surround them—him, the woman and the man.

There weren't really much, just around 5 or 7 came, but Hansol was still terrified and his heart almost stopped beating. He was too scared, way too scared, and even if he and Seungkwan used to play Resident Evil and Walking Dead video game series at Chan's apartment, experiencing it in real life was a no for Hansol. Even if he always made fun of Seungkwan's non-stop screams in extreme fear that seemingly can be heard throughout Chan's whole neighborhood in the middle of the night as they played the complete sets of the console games, facing the situation in real life was still a big no for Hansol.

Hansol wished his brain would never stop working at the moment, and to his luck, it really didn't. He regained the energy and calmed himself down when a screen appeared to him.

choose a weapon ;
axe • gun • sword • bow and arrow

Hansol must've noted the wonder magic of the game since the chosen weapon preternaturally appeared on his hand without a direct source. Not wasting any time, Hansol's index finger pulled the trigger, gunning down the zombies. To his shock, he felt like a master using the lethal weapon, for he had just actually killed all the creepy creatures in less than 10 seconds.

Feeling safe for a short while, Hansol was debating whether if he should keep the gun or throw it away and run. But unfortunately, before he could even slide it inside his pocket just right after he thought of the first option, the object had vanished into thin air.

Coming back to reality, Hansol glances at the now-terrified couple, who ran away to who knows where and probably tried to escape from the zombies as he murdered them. Hansol didn't resist following them even if his feet were dead tired and so were his arms—or let's just say his whole body was.

Observing the surroundings, Hansol had noticed that the couple hid and ran in inside a nearly worn-out warehouse. Honestly, Hansol cringed at the fact that out of all places, the pair had to go in and hide here, but Hansol then later dismissed the childish bitterness after coming to the realization that there are no nearby safe places to hide in away from the deadly apocalypse.

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