The trip.

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I woke up to my alarm going off. I turn off the alarm and sit up. "Today's the trip." I say smiling. I get up out of bed and go to take a shower.
~~~~time skip~~~~
I get out of the shower and get dressed in my favorite 21 piolets shirt and black skinny jeans and neon blue convers. I start to blow dry my hair and think about how long its been since I saw Tyler face to face; its been like two or three years. I finished blow drying my hair and I put my lucky Black Butler benie. I look down at my arms and see all the scares and think about what happened with all of them. Tyler doesn't know about them, and he never will. I put on my rubber bracelets from every band I love and of course I have a Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, Pewdiepie, and CinnimanToastKen ones to hide the scares. I start to walk back to my room and I'm stopped by Aarya. "Heya." She says tiredly. "Hey, sorry if I woke you." I said wondering why she's up so early. "Its not a problem. I heard the shower and thought a burgerler was here then I realized what day it was." She said smiling tiredly. "Well, you won't have to worry about that for a little bit. I'm about to go." I say putting my hands in my pockets. "I know, I hope you have fun. You look kinda cute in that outfit." She said seeing what I was wearing. "Thanks. I will have fun." I say nicely. "Well can I have a hug before you go?" She asked opening her arms for a hug. I smile and hug her. "Of course you can, what kind of friend would I be if I did not give you a hug?!" I say smiling. "A bitchy one." She says. We break from the hug. "Love ya bitch." I say to her. "Love ya too asshole." She says. I smile at her and she smiles back. I walk back to my room and grab my bags and head out to my Impala. (Sorry I love Supernatural) I start my car and drive to the airport.
~~~~time skip~~~~
I get there and go inside and find a set next to a window with no one near it so I sit down and look out the window. I'm so nervous to see Tyler again, last time I saw him he saved me from Jason.
----flash back----
I finished cooking lunch for me and Jason, we've been dating for eleven months. I hear him coming downstairs. "Hey cutie." He says walking into the kitchen. "Hey." I say focusing on cleaning the pan I used to the make grilled cheese sandwiches. (Sorry I really want some of those right now) "So whatcha doin?" He asked hugging me from behind. "I finished making lunch and I'm cleaning this pan here." I say smiling.
~~~~time skip still flash back~~~~
I keep running away from this shadowy figure and trip on a branch I get up and start to run again but it tackles me down and takes out a knife and starts to cut down my stomach. I wake up screaming. Jason quickly runs into my room and sees me crying. "Babe, what's wrong?" He says walking over to me and sitting on my bed next to me. I can't speak I'm crying to much. He hugs me and rubs my back. "Hey, why don't you sleep in my room." He says softly. I nod slowly. He picks me up and carries me to his room. When we get there he lays me down on his bed and walks over to his side and lays next to me. He holds me close and I slowly drift off again. I start to run from the figure again I trip running again I get up and start to run it tackles me again but this time it doesn't take out a knife it whispers in my ear "I'm gonna make you mine~" he says in a suducteve voice. What the hell is that supposed to mean? He starts to take off my shirt, I know what he's doing I start to struggle against him but to no avail. He gets me in my underwear and bra. I wake up to see Jason over me with nothing but his boxers on and me with nothing but my bra and underwear on. I realize he was the shadowy figure in my dreams I quickly knee him in the crotch forcing him to get off of me I run to my room and lock the door. I get some clothes on and get my stuff packed. I walk towards the door all the sudden I hear Jason slam his hand on the door I quickly back up. "Y/N, open the door, NOW!" Jason yells through the door. I back up more and get my phone I text Tyler.
&&texting mode&&
Y- Tyler I need you to come get me.
T- Why, what's wrong?
Y- Tyler please I'm scared, just come get me ok.
T- Y/N, what's wrong?
Y- Please Tyler I'll tell you when we are away from this house. Now come get me please.
T- Where are you?
Y- Jason's house.
T- Ok. I'll be right there. Get your things together ok?
Y- already did that.
**normal mode**
"Y/N, YOU CANT STAY IN THERE FOREVER!" Jason yells again banging on the door harder. I see Tyler's car in the driveway. I quickly open my window and drop my bags out the window and I jump down after them. I pick them up and run to the car in tears. Tyler gets out of the car and helps me get my stuff in the car. I get in the car and we drive off. "Y/N why are you crying and why were you scared? What happened?" Tyler asked. "Jason was gonna rape me in my sleep." I mumble. Tyler looks confused. "What did you say?" He said. "Jason was gonna rape me in my sleep." I say louder. Tyler looks at me and back at the road and slams the breaks. He looks at me again. "He was going to do what?" Tyler says trying to contain his anger. I just stay quiet. Tyler is pissed I can feel it. "Y/N, I know you probably don't want to, but I need to know exactly what happened." Tyler said still holding in his anger. I look out the window still being quiet. Tyler turns my head to where I'm facing him. "Y/N, please tell me what happened." Tyler said with that big brother look in his eyes. I tell him everything that happened. He gets even more pissed. I look down when in done.
----back to reality----
"Flight 142 to California boarding now." Says the anoncer lady at the front I wipe my tears and get going to the boarding station. I get on the plane and walk to my set, in sitting next to a little girl and who I assume to be her mom. The girl has beautiful long straight brown hair with purple highlights, and beautiful green eyes with tanish skin with freckles here and there. She's practicly bouncing up and down in her set. Her mom has short hair as yellow as the sun and pretty brown eyes and some freackles. I see where the girl gets them now. I sit down and turn on my phone and plug in one of my headphones in turning on one of my favorite songs

I'm about to put in my other headphone in as I'm tapped on the shoulder I look over to the little girl. "Are you Pride143?" She asked exited. I smile and nod. "Yes I am. Are you a fan?" I asked her. She smiles so big she could be the Cheshire cat. "I'm your number one fan." She said excitedly. I smile at her. "Well its nice to meet you. What's your name sweetpea?" I asked her. "Samantha." She said super happily (if that's your name you can change it) I smile at her. I love to meet and talk to fans. She is so sweet. "Well its wonderful to meet you Samantha." I said smiling really big. "You can call me Sam if you want." She said excitedly. "Ok, Sam would you like me to sign something for you?" I asked her sweetly. She smiled even bigger which I didn't think was possible. She turned to her mom and asked for her notebook. Her mom smiled and took it out of her purse. Sam turned back towards me and handed me her notebook. "Yes please." She said excitedly. I smiled bigger and took out my purple pen and quickly signed my YouTube name and wrote a message to her giving her my phone number. I closed the book and gave it back to her. She smiled and took it. "Thank you." She said sounding extremely happy. "Your welcome." I said. "So Sam why are you going to California?" I asked nicely. "I'm going to vidcon to see all of my favorite YouTubers." She said excitedly. I smile. "Well in going to be there too. Hang on for a second." I go into my bag and get two extra tickets and some backstage passes to my panel and hand them to her. "Here you go. So you guys can go to my panel." I said smiling at her. She looks at me then at the tickets with a shocked expression. "Y-Your giving me tickets and backstage passes to your panel?" She asked still shocked. "Yeah. They gave me some extra ones so here." I smile at her. She takes the tickets and passes and hugs me quickly. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She said extremely happy. I hug her back. "No problem." I said back to her. She quickly taps her mom's shoulder and shows her the tickets and passes. Her mom looks over at me and smiles. "Thank you. We weren't able to pay for all the panels only the cheaper ones. So thank you so much." The mom said. "Its no problem. I'm Y/N." I say politely. "Nice to meet you in Nancy." (I shouldn't have to say it again) She said nicely. I smile. "Its nice to meet you too Nancy." I said just as nicely. She smiles back and looks back out the window. "Excuse me everyone we have arrived to our destination. Please make sure you have everything you came on here with. Thank you." The flight attendant said through the intercome.
Finally I get to see them again.
(Yeah 1800 words hope you enjoyed that chapter.)

Tyler's little sister. Crankgameplays X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now