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I woke up from yet another dreamless sleep. I sat up not wanting to go anywhere, I was also worried about everything going on with Jason, I was scared, not for my life, but everyone else's, I sat on my bed remembering everything that happened I didn't realize I had started crying because of it, I also didn't realize when Ethan came in until he said my name, pulling me out of my trance, "hey Ethan, what's up?" I asked still not realizing that I had been crying. He looked at me concerned, "Y/N, why are you crying?" Ethan asked as he walked over to my bed sitting down next to me. I felt my cheek feeling my tears fall, I sighed "its noth-" "no its not nothing, something is wrong, I wanna know what." He cut me off. I looked down and sighed once more before I said "I was just remembering something." He hugged me, not to tight, not to soft, I honestly felt safe in his arms, I was warm, safe, and protected, I hugged back and cried into his shoulder. After about a good six minutes of crying I had finally calmed down. Ethan kissed my head and said "you're beautiful, ya know that?" I chuckled and shook my head saying "no I'm not" he pulled my face up with two fingers, making me look him in the eyes. He smirked at me and said "Y/N, you're absolutely beautiful, from your gorgeous e/c eyes to your s/c skin, you're beautiful, no matter what anyone says, you're gorgeous, every part of you, absolutely gorgeous." I blushed a deep crimson smiling slightly, I couldn't help it. He smiled and kissed my head. "I better get out of here, in case Tyler comes in and thinks something happened, or worse, Mark." He chuckled and softly did I. "Too late Ethan." Mark said from the door making me jump and look over at him. "Hey Mark." I said. "Hey love birds." he said smirking.

(e/c = eye color. s/c = skin color. Just wanted to make sure y'all knew)

Tyler's little sister. Crankgameplays X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now