A month of Pain

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Hi reader's, in this chapter very messed up things happen to Jamie as well and if this triggers you in ANY way please do not read! Please comment sating any advise and charictor opinions your voices are important. Have a blessed day!
- isabel😻

It has been a month since the incident. I have been staring in space replaying everything that went on over and over again. I am late and all I  could think of is I can't bring a baby in this world to a distressed mother and a manipulative abusive father. My mother and father don't talk to me anymore because I have given them noyhing but pure silence this pass month. Jamie has not looked at me since she is still going out with Nate as though nothing happend. I want to run away far and hide. Just to be alone in a box where no one can hurt me. Even if that was possible the feeling would never go away it is as though I can't run or hide. I need help but if no one notices ento help do I deserve it.

Jamie Pov

It has been a month and Cat does not talk but do you realky blame her? I know she is going through it right now because she looks at me with her eyes full of shame. Nate has forced me to continue seeing him and if I don't he said that he will hurt Cat more. I can't have that burden on me. I love her. About a week after Nate abused Cat he made me have sex with him. He told me that he was not going to use a condom and that it was going to be fine. I had no choice.


"Nate I dont want to please!" I cried as we sat in the movie theater.

"Does it look like I care?" He has really changed.

"Why are you doing this to us? I loved you and now you have burned a bridhe and for what a few seconds of pleasure? What is wrong with you? Are you mentally stable? Especially if you would have just asked me to "hook up I probably would have!" The theater was empty because it was a very old movie.

"You want to know wbat is wrong with me Jamie? I am a misunderstood foster kid who just wants to have fun. I don't regret what I did for a moment!" After those words he spat out of  his mouth finished my first instinct was to get out of there as fast as possible. But I was grabed and tossed into the seat next to him. He opened me legs and began to dry hump me. I was trying to push him off and he did nor budge. I began again untill my hand was under him but in on top of me and I felt something hard and it was like a point. Then he spoke

"You like what you feel baby?" He said so seductively I have to admitt I was a little turned on.

I looked him dead in his eyes and said  "NEVER" .

He stopped and unbuckled his pants. I moved my trapped hand and hit him in the face with full force shoving him off. He started to laugh saying "nice try princess" but I was not strong enough. One hour later I was officially in the same boat as Cat. When he was done he ran out of the theatre and left me there alone. I could not move or blink just going back to each minute of that passed hour.
End of Flashback

When I walked into Cat's room she was lying on the floor staring at the ceiling. I went and lied with her. I first made sure that the door was closed and then told her everything. After I was done she started crying hard large amounts of tears and she started wining in pain. I felt her pain and I held her tight. She cried in my arms snd I in hers we comforted each other then all the secrets spilled out.

"J-Jamie I-I it was all my fault I did this to us!" She cried and yelled out loud.

"C-cat this is not your falut no one could have known this was going to happen!" Cried back holding her she she holding me.

"Y-yes it is Jamie I told him to meet up with me at the creek to talk about when he was at the hospital I went to go tell him that I was falling in love with him! Then he staryed to kiss on me and I did it back just to get nack at you! When you hooked up with me boyfriend behind the school! I am do sorry. Please forgive me for it all!" She cried louder she was really in pain and I felt it too it was like we shared the same pain. After she stated what happend I had to ask.

"Cat are you late?" She looked at me and started to cry more.


"Cat I am too!"

The whole night we spent it together sharing secrets letting out what needed to be said and letting the past go or trying to. If we are both pregnant then what are we going to go and do?

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