Chapter two ( I notice)

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Oscar's POV

        She's just sitting their. Just staring, she doesn't know that I see her though. I see her watch me with my little sister Sky, or with my mom when they come into my room to talk to me. She always looks so sad, like she has nothing to live for. Which is strange, her family is so nice. They're always apart of the towns fundraising, going to the church functions, even coming to watch me play. They come over for monthly dinners and we always laugh and have a good time, except for her. She's always quiet with her head down. If she does speak it's to constantly say I'm sorry for something that she didn't even do.

        Beth is always in that same spot, in that same window seat. She'll just sit there for hours with a book in her hand and read or watch the outside from her window. She never has anyone over and always closes her blinds at the same time every night. I've always wondered what she does during those three hours or so, eleven o'clock same time every night she disappears from my sight. When she does open her blinds she looks tired, puffy drooping eyes, moving really slow, dozing off into the ocean.

       I'm just watching her watch the ocean when my bedroom door opens and my eight year old sister comes running in to wrap her arms around my waist.

      "Help me, O, help me, he's going to tickle me again" she screams while laughing. I turn to see my dad come running in wiggling his fingers at her with his arms stretched out.

      "O don't you dare help her. She's mine, all mine to tickle till she gives up and goes to bed" dad says very sternly but his eyes show compassion and a hint of amusement.

        I'm trying my hardest to not laugh, but I ignore my dad and pick her up in my arms and run to my bed and start tickling her. Her laughs are like music to my ears, her little squeals are what makes me smile every night before I go to bed. It's the same routine every night, she comes in screaming and laughing for help, while my dad comes in trying to tickle her but I end up tickling her instead. I don't know why Sky keeps coming to me for help when I'm the one to always tickle her. Thinking about it just makes me gleam with joy to know that my own little sister knows that I can protect her.

"O, did you hear me"

"Wait, what did you say, I'm sorry princess I was daydreaming" I say with an apologetic look.

     Sky just rolls her eyes at me and giggles while saying "I said, Can I sleep with you tonight I don't want daddy to come in and tickle me to death?" she whispers the last part into my ears so dad won't hear

        "Hey, I heard that young lady! Oh, you're so gonna get it now little Missy come here" he says with a smile on his face

       "No daddy, hahaha, daddy please No more tickles. I'll go to bed like a good girl I promise" she says in between breaths.

       "Good girl, now go get that little butt in your own bed and go to sleep young lady. It's way past your bedtime, it's already midnight."

"Goodnight O, I love you" she says yawning and while giving me a hug

"Goodnight love bug, get some rest"

          Finally with some peace and quiet I am able to go take a quick shower. I feel each bead of water slowly trickle down my damp hair and down my back relaxing each muscle it touches. With each knot getting untied I feel the heat of the water go down and I hear it fall down to hit the floor. The relaxing feeling only helps me want to sleep, even though I want to stay up a little longer.

       When I get out of the shower and wrap the towel around my waist I walk out of my bathroom and into my bedroom. Realizing that I am the only one up in my house and not even tired I slip on a pair of boxers and lay on my bed. when I get under my covers I rub my eyes and turn towards the window.

      My bed is right under my window, so I take that chance to look out and watch the waves as they crash against the breaking sand and carry it back to the ocean. When I look over to Bethany's window I see her staring into the distance with a sad look on her face. A longing expression is mixed in with her sadness, every once and awhile I'll wake up and see her in that same position. 

      When I decide that I've stared for too long I start to turn around to go to sleep' but I stop myself when I see her door being barged open. She just stands there looking out into the distance like nothing ever happened, but this time I see fear, a fear I've never seen on her face before. That fear that I can visibly see makes me feel uneasy, not only for her but for me as well.

       She finally starts to stop focusing on something in the distance but instead of turning around she looks to the ground. I see a tear stream down her cheek and fall to the ground. He's just standing there, not going to her to comfort her. Him watching her and hearing her cry with a smirk on his face makes me confused. I want to get his attention to tell him that she is crying but it will be useless, he won't be able to see me. A sigh of relief fills the room when I see him go to her and put his hand on her shoulder to comfort her and wrap her in his arms; but it doesn't happen. She pulls away from him while hugging herself, making him look irritated but he still has a smirk on his face. Supposing she's just upset I turn around and begin to close my eyes but when I do, it happens.


well there you have it. the second chapter, I know it probably sucks. Anyways, hope every one's day is lovely.    : )

Oh yeah!!!!! I almost forgot. that hot guy ; ) at the top. Yeah him, that's Oscar. Your welcome.

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