Chapter 3 (what did he see?)

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Bethany's POV

              A current of waves crashing into the sand, breaking them apart and pulling them into the cold raged water. The ocean, the one thing that calms me, the sound of the crash and the wind hitting the current makes me want to fall asleep and relax. I feel my muscles begin to loosen when it happens. Just like every night, the door opens, I cry, and it's over within a hour and then I go to sleep. Tonight feels different though, more intense than usual and that makes me cry. I don't want to cry, they can't know that I'm weak. It feeds him his desire for more, and I don't want it to happen all night.

        I'm standing there looking down at my hands when I feel his body heat behind me. He reaches for me and I freeze. His touch is cold and harsh when I'm pulled into his embrace. Push, it's all I can think when he begins to wrap his arms around me, and so I do. He's not happy, I can hear his rough breath,  that us sucks in sharply trying to hold his temper. It didn't last long, he lost his temper and did the one thing he always does. It's the same, I'm not surprised he lost it like every other night.

      Jason, my worst nightmare becomes reality just like almost every night. First all I can feel is my scalp burning. My hair is being pulled. Tears stream from my face when he begins to whisper in my ear.

      "You really shouldn't have done that. You are so ungrateful, I provide everything for you. You will pay me back tonight like you do  almost every other night?"

      "No no please, not tonight Jason, I'm really tired and sore please just let me go to sleep" I say through my un-shed tears threatening to come out.

      "That just means that I did a good job with you last night. I'm glad your sore, that must mean you loved it just as much as I did.  As you know, you are quite tight, and that helps me in more ways than just one."

       His smirk, Jason's smirk makes me feel cold. He says that so rough and low it gives me shivers. Shivers of fear of knowing what will be happening in just a few seconds. All that I can do now is breathe, close my eyes, and think of it being over soon.

       The window is cold, and hard. Jason pushes me onto the window and it shatters, each little shattered piece falls on my floor and in my hair. Scratches now cover my arms and my face, red liquid coming out of my rigid olive skin.

              "Jason, please stop I'm really hurt and I can't take it tonight." I plead through my now dripping stained tears.

         "No, I am getting and having my fun tonight. Now get up and get to the bed right now before it gets worse then just some bites tonight" he says with a growl

         All that I can do is cry as I get up. As I begin to walk to my bed I am pulled back by something rough. In his arms I feel nothing but cold, there is no warmth in his embrace. He begins to move my hair to the side as he start to kiss roughly against my neck making me push against him to get away.

          My neck hurts, his kisses began to slowly become bites. nipping at my tender skin, making marks that I will surely have to cover with makeup. When he was about to throw me against the bed my door swung open once more to reveal my mother. She wasn't surprised she knew what he did but always blamed me saying I was stealing Jason away from her. I just stood there quiet while I could feel Jason's grip on my waist get much tighter that he probably broke my skin.

         "Oscar's here saying that he saw someone in our backyard staring into the kitchen, and he won't leave till he talks to you. I tried to tell him it was fine but he wants to talk to you, the man of the house."

         "Fine I'll go talk to him go back to bed honey I'll be there in five minutes, oh and don't go to sleep" he states with an irritated sigh "and you, my little dreamer, sleep well and dream about what should have happened tonight. It would have definitely been the best night we've had in awhile." he said loud enough just for me to here. His voice was laced with something that should have sounded seducing but it was just scary and not sexy at all.

          My mother had left first and then my step father left with the slam of my door making me jump. When I know they are downstairs I get up and run to my bathroom to see the damage. Just as I had predicted there are scars all over and my skin is broken from his nail, but the worst of it is my neck. Bruises and swelling with bite marks cover my neck, and they probably won't be going away for a few days. I really am going to have to use my make-up on my neck now.

           As soon as I take my shower I walk out to go to my closet. Feeling cold and a slight breeze I look up thinking my ceiling fan is on. When I realize it's not I just continue what I'm doing and take my towel off to put on my undergarments. When I turn I see it, my window is shattered and I completely forgot; but that's not all that I see. He's standing there looking at my with concern and sadness.

Oscar is actually looking at me while I'm naked, and that's when it clicks. My eyes go wide, I'm such an idiot. I left my blinds up tonight, that's never happened to me before. What exactly did he see tonight?


Surprise!!!!!!!!!!!! I published again tonight. Hope this one was good. sorry if it's too visual, but I kinda needed it to be to portray the way I want my story to go.

the guy at the top. that Jason, the evil step-monster

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