Chapter 5 (just don't stare)

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Bethanys POV

Getting up at the first sign of light I groaned. Soreness is the only thing that is going through my brain and spreading through my body. When I saw Oscar staring at me, time stopped. His eyes were watching my every move, making me think he saw everything. I couldn't sleep, if that boy saw anything what would he do with that information? Would he ruin my life?

Regretting the day already I walk over to my closet to grab an outfit that will cover my bruises. Finding a pair of high waisted blue ripped jeans with a simple white shirt I walk down the stairs to the door to put on my high top white vans.

"Where do you think you're going my little dreamer." I hear from behind me

"I have school today remember it's monday"

"I'll take you then"

"No it's ok I know how you're really busy, I'll just take the bus and see you when I get home"

"Bethany I'm taking you to school and that final!!!!" Jason says through gritted teeth.

"Alright I'll go get in the car and wait for you"

"I'll be out in five minutes"

As I walk out of my house and shut my door I turn to see Oscar going to his car as well. Thank goodness he hasn't seen me just quite yet so I quickly head to get in our black Rolls Royce. When I'm about to shut the door something or should I say someone stops me from doing so.

"Hey so I know this might seem crazy, but I need you to ride with me today so that I can talk to you about tutoring me in the afternoons" says the one and only Oscar Kane

"Why would you need my help in school you have A's right?"

"Actually no I have a C in history and if I don't raise this grade the school will bench me from football."

"Oh well I don't know if I'm the best one for the job. I only have a B in that class and I'm already busy enough"

"I'll pay you, just please help me. Besides we both know that you just come home and do your homework and then read or something." he states as a fact.

In all honesty he isn't wrong. When school is over I have nothing to do. I only have one friend and we don't even hang out together outside of school. While I think about this I see my front door open and Jason comes walking to the car.

"Okay I'll help you, does six O'clock work for you?"

"Yes that's perfect, but I still want you to ride with me so that we can discuss what all I don't understand."

"I can't Jason wanted to take me to school this morning"

Oscars POV

Hearing her say his name just now makes me clench my fists together so tight that they are probably white. I don't understand why she won't ride with me. It's definitely a better idea than riding with that child abuser, she even has fear in her eyes right now seeing him walking over to the car.

"Well, well, well what do we owe the pleasure to Mr. Oscar?"

"Oh I was just asking if Bethany could ride with me this morning so that she could help with some of my homework, and then possibly talk about her tutoring me. Of course I will definitely pay her. You don't mind if she rides with me this morning, do You sir?"

I see his jaw clench while making eye contact with me; but out of the corner of my eye I see her looking down as if she is scared of the outcome.

"I don't see why not. She is after all going to be helping our famous quarterback stay on that field of ours to win some of those games." he says with a fake smile

"Great it's settled then. Bethany will ride with me this morning then I'll see her at my house tonight around six tonight to start studying officially." I say with a sincere smile

"Alright well you two go get to school before you're late." he says while Bethany gets out of the car, but she stops at what he says next "oh, but Bethany don't forget that we have that family bonding thing tonight that we weren't able to finish last night"

"Yes...yes sir, I....I'll see you tonight. Goodbye" she says while trying to hold in her fear that I can easily see.

Just him saying that one sentence makes me want to jump over that car and kill him. That man really has the audacity to say that to her in front of another person. Let alone try it again. I'm just glad she won't be spending as much time at that house anymore since I asked her to help me study. Which I actually do have an A in, I just needed something to do to help her and that was the only thing that came to my mind when I saw her get in that car.

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