chapter 18 (what did you do)

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When Miles and I arrived at home that night I went straight to my room wanting that day to end. I couldn't believe I had two people that new my secret now. It's strange to know that I'm not really alone anymore. I may go through it alone but in the aftermath I have people there for me.

Sunday my mom and Jason told Miles and I that they would be leaving Wednesday and wouldn't be back for a week. Apparently they have this big meeting that he has to attend over his work. They will be flying to Florida and will be staying there while I'm stuck at home being watched over.

They still don't trust me alone with Miles so they are saying that Oscar's parents will be watching over us and we will be eating dinner over there every night. It's kind of strange that when they let a guy stay in the house they decide to go to this meeting for the first time. He's worked at this company since I can remember and he has these conventions every year but he always tells them that he can't make it.

Going back to school wasn't that hard, my lip was still a little bruised but I told my friends it was the biking accident and they believed me. Autumn started making fun of Miles and I saying that we were a couple since we ride to school together. They don't know that he is staying at my house and I don't want them to know just yet either.

They are treating me the same still, they want to hang out but I never can. We laugh and goof around during lunch like always, and we just have a good time while we can. Sitting with them has made a lot of things better for me. They make me feel loved in some type of way.

"So my parents anniversary is this weekend, and they are going away to celebrate. So who can come to my house friday? I only want it to be us this weekend." Godwin says to us with a big smile on his face looking excited.

I hear my friends say "yeah" and "totally" while Ryder and Axel stand up and scream while giving each other a high-five. After everyone starts to calm down, they look at Miles and I waiting for our answer.

"Umm I don't know if I can guys. My parents are really strict." I say to them with probably a really weird look on my face.

"Yeah I don't think I can either guys; but if I can I'll just show up ok." Miles says while squeezing my hand from under the table and glancing at me before looking at them.

"Seriously guys, you can hang out and make out any other time. Please come it will be so much fun." Autumn says looking at us like she's about to regurgitate all of her lunch.

"Hey we are not dating. How many times do I have to tell you that. We are just friends. Am I not aloud to hang out with Miles alone without being told were 'smashing'?" I say looking at her.

Her and Axel look at eachother for a second before both saying at the say time "no".

"Wow thanks guys. Now I know I can't have guy friends unless I sleep with them. How classy." I say rolling my eyes at their stupidity.

"You're welcome. But for real guys please come. I know your parents are strict but can't you convince them to let you stay at my house our something''

"I'm sorry guys, but my stepdad won't let me. He's very protective of me. The only time he lets me hang out with someone is on football nights."

With saying that I can see Miles stiffen next to me. It's like he's become stone from hearing me talk about Jason like nothing is that bad. I hate that he feels this way, I never wanted that.

From under the table I move my hand over his and squeeze. I look at him and he glances at me with worry in his eyes like he's sorry. We hold contact for I don't know how long, but from behind me I hear someone cough and I turn to look at who it is.

Oscar looks at me and nods his head in the directions of the door before walking off. I tell everyone I'll be right back before I follow the path to the doors to find him. Outside of the lunch room I see Oscar leaning against one of the lockers with his head down admiring the floor.

Walking up to him I feel like somethings wrong, but I can't put my finger on it. I know that nothing's wrong and that I'm being stupid but I just can't put my finger on it. I finally reach him and stand just a few inches away from him waiting for him to talk.

He looks at me with regret in his eyes. Like something really did happen and now I really am worried.

"Oscar what's wrong."

"I'm so sorry Bethany. I'm so so sorry. I don't know what happened . I was just so mad I didn't realize what I was doing." he says looking hurt but also like he didn't regret it.

"What did you do Oscar." I say stepping closer while putting my hand on his arm soothingly.

"Last night I was just so mad about everything that is happening and I just snapped. I'm so sorry Bethany but I told my parents."

"Told your parents what Oscar," silence meets my question. "What did you tell them Oscar?" I ask one more time with my voice a little more raised this time getting truly scared.

Looking up at me and meeting me in the eyes, he tells me the worst thing that could happen right now. "I told my parents about Jason and about your mom. They know everything Bethany and they're going to go to the police." 


sorry it's shorter. wanted to leave y'all lovelies in suspense :).

have a good day :)

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