Chapter 19 (spinning)

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Skin on skin. Heat colliding with heat. Energy combining with force. All these sentences talk about one thing. A slap to his face. 

Oscars face turns from the impact of my slap. I wish it went and spun around his head like an owl. 

"How dare you. How dare you betray me like this; but worse, how dare I trust myself to believe in you. You said that you would protect my secret and then you go and tell your parents. They are doing the one thing that can truly destroy me now. No one will believe me Oscar fucking Kane. my stepfather is very respected in this small little town and everyone loves him. He goes to all the sporting events, church events, town meetings, and he does charity work on top of that. They will not believe me you bastard. How could you?" 

"I don't know what to say B, I am so sorry I was just so mad and hurt that you would be that scared of Jason. You have every right to be afraid of him and I hate that. You should not be afraid of someone who is supposed to love you. You should not be getting raped by the person who is supposed to love you. You are not supposed to get verbally abused by the person who is supposed to protect you. You shouldn't get hit from the women who was supposed to raise you. Bethany the two people that are supposed to love you no matter what are not showing you that love. I can't stand by and watch you get hurt anymore so I did what I knew we should have done from the beginning." 

"How? How is this going to be okay for me now. Where will I live? Who will I live with? What will happen to me? What will happen to my friends? Or what about my future, huh will I not have one anymore?" 

"No of course not Bethany. If anything it is giving you a chance at an amazing future that you will get to choose. You could go to the college you always wanted to. Go travel the world, whatever you would want to do. This is going to be able to help you." 

"I'm barely 17 Oscar, I have no family left. They are gonna put me into foster care, I'll be taken away from everyone." tears begin to stream down my face. 

One tear reaches the floor as i begin to think of how I will have to leave all of my friends especially Ash, Miles, and even Oscar. I would probably only be able to see them when I have to come for the trial, if they even want to see me after they know the truth about me. The truth of being used by a mid-40 year old guy. I'm what some people would consider "sloppy seconds". 

"Hey, hey, hey, don't cry. It will all be okay." Oscar says as he brings his hand up to touch my face. I slap his hand away before he can reach me though. 

"Don...don't touch You did this, this is all your fault, I trusted you. I trusted, you." I say as I slowly deflate. 

My tears slowing down with my breathing. My body calming down instead of convulsing into hiccups. Slumping my shoulders I realize what this truly means. My secret will be out, but worse. I should never trust anyone ever again. They will betray me, use my story as a way out of their own world. 

I'm just a game in there own little world. I am there new tv show they watch to get away from their own world; because mine is more sick and twisted. It is its own story, and it's my story. My body combines with the floor as I admit defeat once again. I will never win, but always lose. Either way this story goes I will always be the one losing, even if Jason and my mom lose in one scenario. It might not be fair, but that's how the world is. 

The world is never fair, always making it so we don't succeed. You see the world has a mind of its own. Always playing games with the way your life goes. One minute the world will make it seem that everything might actually be working out, and the second you start to become happy it rips that happiness away. 

The world has begun to rip the happiness away from me. The way I was finally getting comfortable with my friends, or the way that I was being able to trust people. That trust, it's now gone. The world has made me not trust, not love, but hate, and be frightful of it. No one will ever love me. No one will ever keep my secrets. There's just, no one. 


the end........ for now ; )

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