Chapter 4 (why didn't I see it before?)

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Oscars POV

               He was standing over her, while she was on the floor in pain. That's when I realized the window it was all in her hair when she stood up. All I could see were the scars on her arms as she looked at them herself. She began to walk to her bed when he pulled her back to him, that's when I decided to take my action.

                  I put on my shorts and a random shirt and ran out of my room and to there house. I could actually hear her cry and plead him to stop which only made my anger fume even more. Once I reached there house I knew that I couldn't just barge in and take her, that would only make it worse for her so I did the next best thing. I lied.

                 Knocking on the door I waited for someone to come, but they didn't. I knocked again this time much louder so that he could hear me, but he didn't open the door. She did, Mrs. Frederick opened the door, Bethany's mother. She was wearing a baby blue robe that reached mid thigh, with some white slippers.

                 "Oscar, what in the name of God are you doing here at an hour like this. Shouldn't you be asleep for school tomorrow?" she says with a slight ounce of anger masked over to look as worry.

            "I know it's really late Mrs. Frederick, and I'm so sorry to disturb you at this hour but I must talk to your husband about something it's very important" I say trying to hide my anger with a sly smile.

                 "And what might you need my husband for at this hour. He is quite busy right now doing.... Doing some work." she states with some confidence but I can now see the Uncertainty.

            That statement makes my blood boil "doing some work" he is most definitely not doing work and she sure knows it. How can this women sleep at night know her husband is abusing her own flesh and blood.

              "I..I saw someone very strange in your backyard looking into your home and approaching your house but I think I scared them off when I came outside; But I would really like to talk to your husband please. Seeing as this is an urgent matter." I add with my biggest and most fake smile that I could plaster on my face.

                With a moment of not speaking to think her answer through she finally sighs and says "Alright if that will make you feel better I'll go get my husband. Just give me a minute or two to get him."

       "Ok thank you, and have a nice night"

          Finally after about three minutes of waiting the nuisance himself is standing in front of me like nothing happened.

        "Oscar what can I do for you at this time of the night?"

           "Well I happened to see someone very suspicious outside your house in the backyard looking into your kitchen window, and I thought that you should know because it was very strange."

             "I see, well thank you for letting me know Oscar, I really do appreciate the concern" he says while holding out his hand for me to shake

               I mentally groan at the thought of touching that hand that just hurt an innocent girl but I knew that I had to, so I did.

        "Again sorry for disturbing you Sir, but I hope that you and your wife have a good night"

        "You to son, tell those parents of yours that I said hello and that we should get together sometime soon."

          "Will do" I said with a wave while heading back to my house.

          When I finally reached my room I went straight to my room to see if he had gone back to her. With relief filling me I relaxed my shoulders only for them to tense up at what I see. Wet and fresh, scars and bruises cover her body like a canvas. Her neck is covered up with swells and it's purple from his cruel sucking and biting.

                 I want to look away but I can't. For the first time ever all I can see is her beauty even with all of the scars and bruises covering her body. I can't do it, I want to look away but I don't and then she does it. She takes her towel off and I see her bleeding, her hips are bleeding from that delinquents fingers. He really hurt her tonight and that makes me hurt to see her like this. Bethany has bruising covering her whole backs and legs.

             When she turns around and sees me I just stare. Her front is also covered in more bruising that goes up her chest and to her neck. they cover the top of her breasts, swelled with purple and blue marks on each one.

           This makes me want to go to her and hold her and tell her that everything will be okay. That I will be there to help her; but I can't I've read situations like this, it will only make things worse. So I'll just be there and I'll talk to her at school. If she talks to me. I hope she does, no should go through that and if they do. Never do it alone.

         when I finally look up from her body and focus on her eyes, all I see is confusion. It looks like she is wondering why I'm staring at her, then her eyes snap into realization of her uncovered body. Before she can even consider putting on her bra and underwear her eyes go wide as she remembers that her blinds aren't closed.

        All I do is nod at her and I open my window so that I can hear if he comes into her room again. I will not let him do that to her again. With everything I saw tonight I know she isn't safe their anymore and that she needs help. I will be there for her the best that I can, and the most that she will allow me to be.

        With that I wave good night and turn around to turn off my lights and lay in bed. She's still standing their looking at the window in shock. After a moment she finally comes back to her senses and puts clothes on and goes to sleep. All I can wonder is how can she sleep after something like that just happened to her?

         Then it hits me. It's not the first time. Every Night when she closes her blinds is because of him. I hate myself for not seeing it before, for not being able to do anything to be able to stop him. How can a parent do that to their child? They are supposed to love, to protect, and to be their for their child.

        That night sleep was something that was foreign to me, as I just laid there looking at my ceiling trying to figure out what to do to help her. They only way I can help her is by showing her I care. I'll start to slowly force myself in her life, as much as she will let me. Hopefully I can help her when she fully trusts me.


2 days in a row with an update : ) hope ya'll like it. 

IDK if ya'll figured it out but Bethany kept her fathers last name while her mom changed her name. Just stating the obvious.

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