Chapter 14 (you've been gone)

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"her stepdad Jason took her home and said they won't be back for the next two days. She said that yall's sessions will be cancelled today." Autumn tells me at the end of the day.

"Jason picked her up from school and took her where?"

"Uh I think she said she had a doctors appointment that she forgot Jason was taking her to."

Clenching my jaw, I try to hide my anger from her friend knowing they don't know the truth. but me, I do. 

This will come to an end.

1 week later

Head to toe. That's how much bruising or biting I have. Jason's so called 'love bites' that he left me were bitten down so hard that he broke skin. I have a split lip and bruised ribs. He broke my wrist when he pushed me down the stairs when I told him to stop.

The doctor was told it was a biking accident and he believed it. Told me that I was lucky that it wasn't any worse. If he even knew what I go through he would know that I am not lucky and that I wish I were dead. Noone should ever have to go through this, not even my worst enemy.

Looking up at my ceiling all I can think about is how I'm going to be able to explain why I have been out of school for so long. Oscar and Ash have been calling me nonstop this past week wondering where I am. Oscar even stopped by the house but my mom just told him that I was sick. He's tried to get me to tell him what is wrong but I just tell him what my mom told him, that I'm sick.

I probably won't be going back to school for a while though. My bruises are still really bad, it hurts to move and Jason still hasn't left me alone. He keeps coming in my room every night and hurts me. I don't know what to do though, how do I get him to stop without getting anymore hurt.

Getting taking out of my thoughts I begin to hear my phone ring. Not even looking or thinking about it I make the mistake of answering it.

"Hello" I say horsley.

"Oh my god, Bethany you answered your phone thank God. I am so worried about you. Your mom keeps telling me that your sick, but Jason picked you up from school and I'm really worried about you. Has he hurt you, he's hurt you hasn't he. The jackass I'm going to kill him I swear. I'm going to get you out of there Bethany I promise."

Breathing, heavy breathing is all I can do and is all that I can hear on the other side of the line. How do I respond to that, he's promising me to much.

"Don't make a promise that You can't keep Oscar."

"Dammit Bethany, I can to keep a promise and I promise you We will get you out of this no matter what I have to do."

"Oscar I'm fine I promise just let it go."

"Then why have your curtains been shut all week. You only shut them when he's in there."

"Because he's been in here but I'm fine I promise just tired so I'll be a few more days before I come to school."

"Open your curtains."

"What, No I will not open my curtains."
"Bethany I said open your curtains, I need to see that you are okay."

"No Oscar I am not opening my curtains. You'll see me in a few days."

"Why can't I see you now if your just sick. So just open the curtains please."

"You won't like what you see Oscar so just....just leave it alone."

"No I will not leave it alone. Now open that curtain before I go over there and bust your door down."

"Fine just don't freak. No just don't do anything okay."

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