craving freedom

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I can't wait until the day I turn 18.
It's not the fact that I'll be an adult that attracts me.
It's the fact that I can leave.
I don't have to suffer in this building I call home.
Although if "home is where the heart is," I should've been gone long ago.
Years and years of this endless cycle of falling down and getting back up again.
I just want to be free.
I don't want to have to fear every day.
Hoping and wishing it won't be as bad as the day before.
I'm sick of being called worthless.
And the daily garbage treatment is killing me.
Family is supposed to love you.
That's not how it is here.
It's not safe here.
I'm craving freedom so badly.
It's so close, yet so far away.
2 years...

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