Chapter Thirty-Eight: "Happy Birthday!" Part One

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Chapter Thirty-Eight: "Happy Birthday!" Part One







"Brielle, Brielle, Brielle."






"I will eat you," I growled, snatching the hand that reached out and poked my forehead. My eyes opened, catching the familiarity of Claire.

She grinned at me, not bothering to remove her hand from my grip. "Good morning. Do you know what today is?"

"It's Thursday."

She rolled her eyes, the grin faltering. "Boy do you know how to ruin it."

I closed my eyes and buried my face in the pillow. I tried to say, "go away", but I failed epically.

The pillow disappeared from underneath me, leaving my head to drop flat on the mattress. The pressure on my nose was enough for me to groan, but that was all I did.

"Get your lazy ass up," she demanded. "We're going shopping."

I groaned louder, purposely. Again, my voice was muffled as I tried to say, "I hate shopping."

The swing of the pillow echoed in my ears, and then it smacked against my head. I groaned even louder and rolled over so my face was buried in Niall's pillow.

She marched over toward his side and gripped the end of his pillow, but my growling stopped her short.

"Are you... growling?" she asked in disbelief and pure amusement.

"I said I will eat you," I grumbled. "Now let me sleep."

She ripped the pillow from beneath me again, and then threw the curtains open like it was no ones business.

"Get up, get a shower, get dressed birthday girl. We're going shopping today. Oh, and wear something cute. You'll thank me later."

The door to the bedroom slammed shut, and I was left to squint at the bright light.

I was a bit disappointed that Niall wasn't here with me, but he'd told me he had to go and help fix one of his old mate's cars. He promised he'd be back before his "big surprise", or so he'd put it.

Finally, I allowed a gigantic huff to erupt from my mouth as I forced myself up and out of bed, slowly adjusting to the light. When I realized time was ticking, I hopped out of bed and pranced toward the bathroom. At first I only stood in the steam, allowing my senses to grow used to environment around me, but then I willed myself to get in the shower.

Once I was finished, I hurried into the bedroom and began working through the dresser for clothes. For a minute I found nothing "cute". But then my eyes landed on a blue crop top that I remembered a grey cardigan going with. I pulled on a pair of dark skinny's and tossed a pair of black Vans on my feet. I'd never cared about the style people wore anymore. If I saw it as cute, I wore it. I happened to like Vans very much.

After I was dressed, I did my makeup and my hair, straightening it pin straight. Then I headed out to the living room, where Claire was staring at the TV with wide eyes and her mouth hanging open.

Just as I'd reached the middle of the room, my phone vibrated. I pulled it out of my back pocket and unlocked the screen, only to smile like a school girl.

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