Chapter Ten: "Surprise Clubbing"

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After I found out that I couldn't trust Claire or Harry, I started going off on my own. I didn't pay them any mind, and I stayed up for nights and nights at a time just so I wouldn't have to sleep in the same room as her, knowing she was keeping something from me.

I scoured over the Library for almost an entire week, searching websites and looking up each and every one's past to see if anything clicked. I even sat in the back of it for an entire day, thinking back to every person I've ever met in case this person had come across me once.

But I was having trouble. So I began following Niall. He wasn't very active, and he covered his tracks well, but sometime about another week later, I over heard him talking to Harry about going to the club to meet up with this mystery person.

I was immediately intrigued, and I borrowed a dress from a girl I only talked to every once in awhile. I offered for her to come along, so she was walking with me as we wandered up to the entrance. Not exactly my favorite way of going back, but I needed to get the information.

The dress was a bit like the one I wore to the party two years ago, but this time I didn't pay any attention to pulling it down every few seconds to satisfy myself.

"Are you sure they're just going to let us in?" Penelope asked, her bright hazel eyes staring up at me in doubt. She wasn't normally the clubbing type - not that I was - and she hardly ever got invited to come along. She was a bigger school nerd than I was, and that was saying something.

I nodded my head, my brown hair flying in my face from the wind. For a second I cursed under my breath for forgetting a wrap to keep me warm, but I went back to focusing on Niall and the mystery guy.

"They know me. We don't even have to look at them to know."

And as we walked up to them, they instantly opened the door, not even giving us a second glance. Because of who my parents were, they didn't bother worrying about who I was or what I was doing - they just let me in whenever I wanted.

The music pounded in our ears, nearly making my entire body vibrate with the beat. Penelope stuck to my side almost the entire time, especially when I ordered a beer. I hated shots, and personally always will. They were just too strong. There was nothing wrong with beer; absolutely nothing.

"You drink?" she squeaked, her eyes fixed intensely on the beer that was handed to me. It was the same man that gave me one a few days ago, although I'm not sure he realized who I was. He wasn't as flirty this time.

I chugged a few sips down and turned to her. "Yeah. You want some?"

She looked at me, eyes wide, and shook her head quickly. "No."

Then I turned around and scouted the room. It felt like déjà vu, but this time I was looking for someone specifically with much, much curiosity. At first I thought I caught sight of that blonde hair, although as I took a better look, it was some random guy who was intimately dancing with a red head.

"Who are you looking for?" Penelope asked over the music, turning to look with me as if she could spot the guy without a description.

"Someone to dance with," I lied, my eyes still searching. I didn't feel like dancing, nor did I have time for wasted guys who wanted only one thing tonight.

"Do you want my help?"

I turned to look at her with an eyebrows raised in question. She smiled at me, for once not scared in this sweaty place.

"I'm good with spotting guys that actually care you about, and not how you dance or look."

I laughed, only nodding my head. "Thanks for the offer, but I think I need to use the bathroom."

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