Chapter Thirty-Nine: "Happy Birthday!" Part Two

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The walk was a bit tiring, considering how completely useless I was in the athletic field - which meant no outdoor activities, including hiking miles to find a meadow Niall had no idea he'd let me in on during his rambling.

Niall kept his grip tight on me as we walked, probably trying to assure himself that he really did have me by his side. Not that he needed to, of course. I would always be by his side, through every possible worst moment he had.

Twigs beneath us snapped and leaves crunched, each reminding me where I was.

This day was turning out differently than I'd expected it to, to be quite frank.

I'd actually expected today be a complete disaster, considering how much I was dreading this day. But by Claire's shopping morning and these little moments that were popping up between Niall and I, I could honestly say I didn't know how else this day could have actually gone.

Just ahead, my attention was snatched as I noticed a small opening in between two large, overgrown trees that looked just as beautiful as they had been by first glance, if not even more. Bright, pure golden sunlight peeked through, and the particles floating around like fish in water shined in the light. The weeping trees fluttered through the wind as if they were moving themselves, tired of having stood still for so long. It was like they knew of our arrival, because as we got closer, the light shined even brighter, welcoming us to the site.

I felt something swirl in my stomach, boiling and growing immensely. My grip tightened on Niall's hand and he looked down at me with genuine excitement.

"Whatever you do, don't run," he said, teasing me with a slight tug.

I glanced up at him with furrowed eyebrows, though my smile never faltered.


He planted his lips on my nose and grinned. "Because then I'll have to chase you, you'll hide, and then I'll have to find you."

I stopped walking just as we reached the opening and smirked at him, both eyebrows raised now. "What is so bad about that?"

He shrugged, returning the smirk. "I am pretty impatient."

I laughed as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him close, my green eyes staring into those of icy blue - the ones I see as warm, though they are ice cold. The ones I am familiar with, the ones I love.

"I know. But that's a flaw. And as you have and will come to find out, I love you through every single one of them."

He grinned at me, his eyes staring down into mine. For a moment we had stopped walking, and just sat staring at each other. The way he looked at me had me feeling as if I was flying above the ground, as if no words could even describe what I felt or how strongly it affected me.

I couldn't help a bit of blush that crept on my cheeks as he kissed my nose, still grinning.

"I don't know why, or what he saw in me, but God gave me another chance at life. And I cannot be happier that I took that chance."

I pressed my lips to his in a brief, though entirely sweet kiss, knowing there was nothing I could do to change his mind. I wasn't complaining, though.

He grabbed my hand and led me, finally, to the opening. What I saw, what I was experiencing, I could not describe it in words. Not even close.

The flowers sprung from the ground, riding high and beautiful in the wind. It blew slowly, gracefully. The grass rustled, along with the trees, as a breeze whipped through the air. It welcomed us, warmly I might say. The sun shined down on the circle beams of light enhancing the beauty of the scene by ten fold. Every sound, every sight, every single detail - it was all too beautiful to compare.

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