Taking Chances

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Chapter One

I felt as if I was smoldering under the skin right fabric that hugged my stomach. That wasn't even the half of it - the semi-inappropriate dress only managed to stretch at my mid thigh. If I bent over, anyone who was willing would catch a clear view of my bum.

I felt extremely uncomfortable, but I wouldn't tell any of those that swarmed around me that. I'd anything, they wouldn't even remember what I said two minutes after I said it; they were all too smashed to comprehend anything.

Being completely and utterly useless is one of the reasons I avoid going to frat parties. They were a hassle to deal with in the mornings if you've given in to peer pressure to drink your asses off, and I was never one for not being able to be in control of my actions or body.

My instantaneous roommate, Claire, didn't even mind the fact that I was standing in a corner with my arms wrapped around myself and my eyes swimming with discomfort. She was too caught up in her "boy-toy" to even notice I was still here.

She'd been dating Harry for nearly a year or so now, and I admired how comfortably lovey-dovey they were in front of the entire campus. Harry was star of the fields, but he never let that get in the way of being with his girl.

In all honesty, the only reason I frowned at their relationship was being I was wanting one of my own. I wanted to fall into a guys arms and kiss him at the most random times. I wanted to look into his eyes and know that I'm safe, that I can trust him. I wanted say "I love you" and make sure he knows I'm one hundred and ten precent committed.

But as I watched them become enveloped in each other's presence, I only realized that certain people get the true love they desired. Only certain people like Harry and Claire.

I found myself too depressed to watch them any longer as I moved passed people making out in front of the entrance door toward my car, which was parked unbelievably far from the house.

I didn't mind, though. The house was way too hot and sweaty for my taste, and I relished how much the quiet air pleased me over the pounding music that made me want to bang my head against a wall a million times.

I'd just unlocked my car and reached for the handle when a noise struck my attention. I glanced up, my eyes straining to see in the dark. I saw nothing, but my ears hadn't been playing tricks on me. Frowning, I dropped my hand from the handle and tried to see in the darkness.
"Hello?" I called. "Is anyone there?"

When I retrieved no answer, I sighed in defeat. Maybe the music had been blaring too loudly for me to recover quickly. I made a note to myself to never go near a blasting speaker ever again, no matter where I'm at.

I pulled my handle and swung the car door open, but the moment I got ready to step in the car, a sickeningly deep voice stopped me.

"Don't you look ravishing?"

My heart leapt out of my chest - I whirled around with a start, my eyes growing wide as I stared at the stranger. He looked to be in his mid thirties, and that scared me to no end. What was a man doing out in the middle of the night complementing random women who caught his eye?

I didn't like that question one bit.

"I'm sorry?" I mumbled, trying my best to attain my fear. If he knew I was frightened, he might use it against me. That is, if he had what I thought he did planned.

"Well I didn't think you were going to be as lovely as your little... friend," the man purred. My eyes narrowed as I tried to think of who he may have been talking about, although it hit me like a ton of bricks. The only friend I paid any attention to, the one I cared for the most, was Claire.

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