Chapter Two: "Unexpected"

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Niall helped me into his flat, a place I'd never expected to be in. I was expecting clothes and dishes everywhere, along with blood stains that might have been whisked away under all the filth, considering his reputation as the University Bad Boy. It was pretty cliche when you think about it, but it was all the truth.

He went around pounding people into the ground, beating them until there was nothing but a bloodied mess. And every other night he came home with a girl and kicked her out the moment he got what he wanted.

But as I looked around, I only saw grey furniture and a spotless floor. There weren't at blood stains - in plain sight - and the room seemed completely normal. As if a normal person lived here.

I suddenly became very aware of him. Every time he moved, I noticed it. If he looked at me, I'd watch him carefully, searching for any sign of him trying to make a move on me.

For a while I tried to convince myself that he wouldn't dare go for a plain old girl like me, and even if he tried, he would know I'm not stupid enough to give myself to him just because he saved me from being raped tonight.

I stood in the middle of the living room my fingers gripping his blazer so tight my fingers went numb. My mind was wandering over millions of thoughts, which caused me to become only that much more confused.

Niall came out from the kitchen, and the noise made me jump from my spot. I whirled around with wide eyes, concerning him immediately.

"Whoa, whoa, what happened? What's wrong?"

I found annoyance in his questions, knowing very well what could have happened had he not showed up.

"I'm not supposed to be here," I mumbled hurriedly. Without another thought, I convinced myself completely that me standing in his living room was definitely wrong and I needed to leave before something else happened tonight that I hadn't planned. "I need to go."

He stared at me in confusion when I hastily pulled his blazer from my shoulders and set it on the couch beside me and walked toward the door. Unfortunately, my state in high heels wasn't a great match, as I stumbled toward the door. Niall moved quickly as his arms wrapped around my waist and held me up, his eyes swimming alarmingly with worry.

"Brielle, you don't look like you can go roaming the streets."

"But Claire," I whimpered. Why was I feeling so damn emotional? "She's going to be worried."

"Claire? Who's Claire?" he asked, tightening his grip on my waist. I noticed, of course, but I was too worried about the feeling that came over me as I took in his touch.

"My roommate," I whispered, scared my voice would crack and betray what I was feeling right then. I could hardly catch my breath, and in his arms I felt morally safe. It was only when Niall gently smiled at me and I felt butterflies in my stomach that I began to panic.

Oh no, I thought to myself. No, no, no, no, no. This can't be happening. This can't!

I pushed myself from his arms and hugged my own around my stomach, feeling like I was losing my mind.


I looked up at him with pleading eyes, giving up on worrying about everything else in my life at the moment. I just wanted to focus on one thing and one thing only, and I hoped he could help me on that decision.

"I know you're scared," he stated, his blue eyes still staring into my green eyes. "And I know you're worried about everything else in life, but trust me when I say going back isn't a great idea. You'll only get flustered, and I know those guys with most definitely be back for you. So I need you to trust me on this when I say it's best if you stay here tonight."

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