Chapter Twenty | Draco the Ferret

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With the first task a mere 24 hours away, Ariana was really beginning to itch. Tomorrow she would be facing a dragon that could very easily kill or meme her in a whole array of ways... It wasn't a great thought.

Hermione was scared of loosing her friends, yet she tried to hide it. Ariana noticed that she spent a lot of her time trying to get Ron, herself and Harry to make up before the task.

To be honest, Ariana was also scared of loosing her friends, but she refused to display her fear.

Ariana had scheduled an appointment to visit Dumbledore during the day. She had to let him know about her new gift of Legilimency, although she had a niggling feeling that he already knew.

She had another two hours until she was due at his office, so she and Harry were dodging the hissing crowd, trying to get to their next class.

They walked through the one of the courtyards, weaving through the many students that polluted its area.

A small second-year boy ran past then. "Cedric rules!" he yelled, sprinting past so he wasn't caught.

"Thanks," Harry groaned sarcastically.

"Coward," Ariana breathed under her breath. "Can't bring himself to tell us that without fleeing."

Ariana continued with her head held high as insults were shouted at the duo; she was determined to look as if she couldn't hear them at all.

When they reached a stone archway, two fifth-year students blocked their paths like determined, laughing blockades.

"Like the badge?" the male of the two, pointing at his badge that insulted Ariana and Harry.

"Excuse me," said Harry, completely ignoring their mockery.

Since their response was to laugh, Ariana sighed and pushed her way through. She successfully cleared a path for her and Harry, then she spotted Cedric lying on a bench with his friends.

She nudged Harry with her elbow. "Look!"

Harry nodded and they approached the group of seventh-years. Cedric sat up as he clocked them, whereas his friends made a mockery out of the two Gryffindors.

"Can we have a word?" Ariana asked the Hufflepuff, not even looking at his moronic friends.

"Alright," Cedric agreed, walking off with the other two contestants.

Once they reached a reasonably quiet area beneath a towering tree, the trio stopped, the tallest of the two seeking an explanation.

"Dragons. That's the first task. They've got one for each of us," Harry explained shortly, not being a massive fan of Cedric.

"Are you serious?" Cedric questioned, ducking his head closer to the other two so others did not hear him. "And Fleur and Krum, do they...?"

"Yes," Ariana nodded.

"Right," said Cedric, then he called Ariana and Harry back as they began to walk away. "Hey listen, about the badges. I've asked them not to wear them."

Ariana gave him a small smile. "Thank you."

"Don't worry about it," Harry replied, heading off.

Ariana paused by a bench, checking she had her books for Arithmancy. She quickly flicked through the textbooks in her bag, sighing in relief as her eyes landed upon the book she was looking for.

The witch quickly caught up to Harry, her Gryffindor cloak sweeping behind her as she briskly walked.

"Why so tense, O'Connor, Potter?" a venomous voice spat from behind. Ariana and Harry turned to see Draco Malfoy drop from a branch in a tree, smirking at them. "My father and I have a bet you see. I don't think you're gonna last ten minutes in this tournament. He disagrees. He thinks you won't last five."

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