Chapter Twenty-Five | Legilimency and Occlumency

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On the return journey, Harry and Ariana had been bombarded by fellow students returning to the castle for the continuation of the day's classes.

They received more pats on the back than they could count and immense praise. Fred and George swore they would steal food from the kitchen in order to throw a celebratory party tonight, despite the protestations of Hermione.

As Harry and Hermione went to the Owlery so Harry could send a letter to Sirius, Ariana branched off to collect her wand from Dumbledore, also planning to question him about why it flew off in the first place.

She made her way to the Headmaster's Tower, stopping at the Gargoyle that protected Dumbledore's office. At that point, Ariana realised she didn't know the password. The witch knew he had a habit of making his password sweets he liked, so she blurted out the names of as many sweets she coukd think of.

"Sherbet Lemon."

Ariana knew it was the password to reveal the staircase... Two years ago. But now, the Gargoyle just glared are her, nit moving an inch.

"Acid Pops. Peppermint Toad. Fizzing Whizzbee. Cauldron Cakes. Pumpkin Pastie. Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. Crystallised Pineapple. Liquorice Wand. Sugar Quill."

Nothing at all.

"I'm never getting my wand back," Ariana groaned, running a hand over her face. "Bat's Blood Soup. Cockroach Clusters." The Gargoyle began to move, rotating to reveal a spiral staircase leading up to Dumbledore's office. "Oh, I wasn't serious. As long as it was correct."

She moved forward and stepped up the stairway, not even waiting for the stairs to stop moving. She knocked on the heavy wooden door, standing in silence until Dumbledore said, "Come in."

Ariana entered and closed the door behind her. "Thank you, Professor," she said, balancing the blade of the sword of Gryffindor in her hands. "I've removed all traces of dragon blood. I thought I should return it to its display case."

The room was a fascinating one. It was decorated with whirring silver mechanisms, large bookshelves filled with intriguing books, portraits of past headmasters (all of which were dozing in their paintings), a claw foot desk, and, of course, Dumbledore himself.

On a perch behind Dumbledore sat Fawkes, his Phoenix. At the end of their second year, she and Harry watched as he burst into flames and a chick emerged from the ashes, a wondrous sight to behold.

"Thank you, Ariana. Please, sit down," said Dumbledore, peering over his half moon glasses.

The girl sat in the comfortable golden chair at the opposite side of his, lying the shining blade on the desk in between them. "Professor, do you know why my wand felt the need to dart off during the task?"

"Unfortunately, Ariana, I do not. I believe it was summoned, but I don't know who is behind it. May I examine it?" he enquired, holding her ebony wand delicately.

"Of course," Ariana replied. "Also, Professor, I believe I'm expecting Legilimency."

Dumbledore peered at the witch over his glasses, straightening up. "What gives you that impression?"

"It's an odd feeling, really. I can sense the presence of other minds and, if I concentrate, I can detect emotions others are feeling," Ariana explained, hoping for some explanations.

"That doesn't surprise me. I expected you to have inherited the gift from your father. In my opinion, you should nurture it, learn how to use Legilimency to its full potential," said Dumbledore.

Ariana considered his statement and agreed instantly. "I agree."

"Professor Snape could teach you. He could also give you lessons in Occlumency... I presume you know what that is."

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