Chapter Twenty-Six | Scrolls

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The next morning, all four students sat with each other for breakfast, each one glad to be in all of their closest friends' company.

Ariana munched in some toast with butter and raspberry jam, relishing the sweet taste as it danced over her taste buds.

The morning post had arrived moments earlier. Ariana bought the Daily Prophet in the morning, since she and Hermione took turns in buying it every day.

She had also received a letter from Remus, which she was very eager to read. She planned on sending one back to him with Nova, since the owl hadn't had many jobs so far this year and wasn't best pleased with her owner.

A younger blonde boy appeared with a box in his hands. "Parcel for you, Mr. Weasley," he said, handing the box over to Ron.

"Thank you Nigel," Ron replied, putting the box down on the table. Ariana and Harry looked at each other in confusion as Nigel stared at them both with wide, seemingly amazed eyes. "Not now Nigel. Later. Go on."

"What will you do later?" Ariana asked the boy sitting opposite her, as Nigel scampered off.

"I told him I'd get him your and Harry's autographs," said Ron. "Oh look mum's sent me something." He ripped the brown paper off of the box and pulled out a set of purple frilly dress robes. "Mum sent me a dress??"

"Well it does match your eyes. Is there a bonnet?" Harry questioned, finding the situation hilarious. He pulled a bow tie from the box. "Aha."

Ariana, Hermione and Harry all laughed as Ron stood up and approached his unsuspecting little sister.

"Ginny, these must be for you," he said, holding them out.

"I'm not wearing that it's ghastly," Ginny protested, eyeing the garment with disgust.

"Ron, they're for you!" Ariana chuckled. " They're dress robes."

Their fellow Gryffindors laughed heartily as Ron sat down, looking horrified. "Dress robes? For what?"

"The Yule Ball. It's a tradition of the Tri-Wizard Tournament," Hermione explained. "We have a lesson with Professor McGonagall during class to learn how to waltz."

"What?! We have to dance?" Ron asked loudly, stuffing the dress robes into their box.

"Yes," Ariana groaned. "I'm not looking forward to it either. Who needs to worry about who they are going to the ball with when we have classes and tasks to tackle?"

Someone tapped Ariana on the back, making her turn around. A first-year Ravenclaw student was holding a small pale blue box in her hands, looking quite intimidated.

"Professor Dumbledore wanted me to bring this to you," she said, her face quite red compared to her brunette hair.

"Thank you," Ariana smiled, hoping to put the girl at ease a little. She accepted the box then the girl hurried off, her eyes on the floor.

Ariana opened up a scroll of paper, reading the familiar slanted writing.

Dear Ariana,

I have examined your wand and, thankfully, have found nothing wrong with it. Evidently, it has not been tampered with.

I have also arranged a lesson for you with Professor Snape. Kindly go along to his office at 8 P.M. this Saturday.

I hope you enjoy your day.

Yours sincerely,

Albus Dumbledore.

She pulled her wand from inside the box, picking a stray shred of fluffy packaging from its length. She had felt quite bare without it, so was glad to have it back on her person.

"Who's that from?" Ron asked, stuffing a sausage into his mouth, much to the displeasure of Hermione.

"Read the scroll," Ariana said, tucking the small box into her bag.

Her three friends read the scroll, passing it between each other until they had all read the words etched on the parchment.

Ron sniggered. "Spending Saturday nights with Snape will be awful, Ariana," he laughed a little too loudly, making Gryffindors and Ravenclaw turn and eye him and his white-haired friend.

"Could you say that a little louder, Ron? I'm not sure people in Russia heard you," Ariana hissed lowly. "Besides, as far as I'm concerned, spending a few uncomfortable hours with Snape in exchange for the ability to use Legilimency and Occlumency fully is quite fair."

"I think it'll be great," said Hermione encouragingly. "Natural born Legilimens are very rare."

"That's great, but I'd rather drown myself in the Black Lake than spend hours with Snape," Harry added, making his friends laugh.

Ariana decided to open the scroll she had been itching to read, not being able to wait any longer.

Dear Ariana,

Your performance was amazing! Congratulations. If I'm entirely honest, I wasn't sure if I would see you walk out of the arena in one piece, but thankfully I was incorrect.

Also, your water storm charm was incredible. It is a very advanced spell, although after watching you cast a true patronus, I can't say I'm too surprised.

Unfortunately I couldn't stay to congratulate you in person, but my being there might look quite suspicious, as I resigned last year. I can't imagine particular people would be pleased to see me.

Do you know what happened to your wand? I couldn't see where it landed. Fortunately, the Sword of Gryffindor came to your aid when you needed it most.

If you would like to send a response, Nova will find me.

Best wishes,

Remus Lupin.

Ariana decided she would pen a response while in her History of Magic class, since Professor Binns never notices anything. Harry once managed to let an owl in the window, take the letter, let the owl back out and return to his seat without their teacher batting an eyelid.

The girl smiled like a love-struck teen, which she was, but it was quickly wiped from her lips. It was a rare and powerful connection shared between werewolf mates, nothing could sever it.

"I really am upset about us not competing for the Quidditch Cup this year," she sighed, "but at least it will remain in Professor McGonagall's office. I need to get out on my broom."

"I know how you feel," said Harry, equally as glumly.

"Hey, why don't you have a friendly game this weekend?" Ron suggested, finally finishing up his meal. "I'm sure Fred and George will be there."

Hermione frowned. "Don't you think they should be working out the clue for their next task?"

"Hermione, I was to work the clue out as soon as possible, but I suppose a game of Quidditch wouldn't be a terrible idea," Ariana reasoned, smirking slightly.

A game of Quidditch was definitely something to look forward to, she just had to make it thought the rest of the week first.

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