Chapter Twenty-Eight | Head Slaps All Round

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That Friday, the senior years were assembled in the Great Hall for a study period. Ariana sat with her friends, sandwiched in between Harry and Ron.

Ron was turned, talking to Seamus at the table behind him. "This is mad. At this rate we'll be the only ones in our year without dates."

Snape, who was watching over the pupils, slapped the back of Ron's head, forcing him to look at his work once again.

"Well, us and Neville!" Ron continued.

"But then again he can take himself," Harry added, laughing quietly.

"It might interest you to know that Neville's already got someone," said Hermione, looking up from her books.

Ariana moved her eyes away from her Potions books as Ron gasped and said, "Now I'm really depressed."

"Ron, you left it too late," Ariana told him. "You should of moved faster."

Fred reached over and tossed a note at Ron, making sure to avoid being seen by Snape, as he was patrolling the aisle behind their backs.

"Get a move on or all the good ones will have gone," Ron read under his breath, then looked up at his brother. "Who you going with then?"

Right there, Fred asked Angelina to the ball. She accepted, leaving Fred to silently boast across the table, moving his younger brother.

Ariana smiled and watched as Ron sulked. She spotted his eyes light up a little, clearly having an idea. She didn't know if it was a good one or not.

"Well, Hermione, Ariana, you're girls," he said.

'Not a good idea," Ariana thought, watching with an amused smile as Ron continued to dig himself a deeper hole.

"Oh, well spotted," Hermione replied dryly.

"Congratulations," Ariana said sarcastically.

She noticed Harry trying to warn them that Snape was on his way too late. All of them grunted as the back of their heads were walloped with a jotter, a non-verbal way of telling them to shut up.

It was something Ariana had grown accustomed to, thankfully her hair was up in a ponytail and padded the blow a little.

After they were in the clear, Ron continued his previous statement, "come on. It's one thing for a bloke to show up alone. For a girl it's just sad."

Ariana's eyes widened, then hardened completely. ""We won't be going alone; we have already been asked."

Hermione stormed off to hand in her work, pausing on her way back to hiss at Ron, "And we said yes."

Ariana also got up, finished everything she was supposed to do. She and Hermione walked out of the hall together, the latter's hair bouncing as she strode down the hall.

Ariana was pissed off, but she soon recovered her cool head. "I think we should keep out dates' names as quiet as possible. Agreed?"

"Agreed," Hermione replied.

The two girls had been asked out to the dance two days ago by the Krum brothers. Ariana was quite shocked, but they were incredibly charming. Ivan asked Ariana, being very polite and suave.

In the end, Ariana had agreed. She didn't have a romantic interest in him, in anyone in fact. The only person she would be interested in for the rest of her life was someone who couldn't bring her to the Yule Ball, so the witch agreed to go with Krum.

She was looking forward to getting to know him, but only in a platonic manner. Ariana didn't quite know what would happen in the night, but she knew she would take it in her stride.

The rest of the day ticked on like normal. During her History of Magic class, in order to avoid the droning voice of their ghost Professor, Ariana preoccupied herself with penning a response to Remus.

Dear Remus,

I hope you are well. Both you and Sirius.

Thank you! In all honesty, I didn't think I would be waking out of there at all. If the first task was facing a 70 foot long dragon, I dread to think what we must face during the next two.

I didn't expect you to be able to stay. Thank you for watching in the first place, I know it wouldn't of been easy to slip into the arena in the first place. I appreciate the effort.

Yes, the Water Storm charm is advanced. It definitely took a lot of practice before I perfected it; I was exhausted.

In regard to what happened to my wand, I don't know. I know I must be careful, so I'll reserve the explanation for next time I see you. Although, it is safely back with me.

I owe my life to the Sword of Gryffindor. I'll be forever thankful for its decision to appear in my hand when I needed it.

The Yule Ball will be taking place soon... I'd be lying if I told you I was excited to open the ceremony. At least I'll have another four champions with me, and their partners, of course.

Thank you for your letter.

Best wishes,

Ariana O'Connor.

"Ariana, what are you doing?" Ron asked, looking up from the doodles he was drawing on his parchment.

"Writing a letter," the witch replied, rolling the scroll up.

"And that concludes our lesson," said Professor Binns in a monotonous voice. "Please pack your supplies away."

"Okay, even I cannot bring myself to pay absolute attention to that voice," Ariana groaned, pulling her bag up onto her lap.

"No one can," Harry added, looking completely bored out of his mind.

"That was incredibly interesting," Hermione said, tucking a book into her bag.

"Well, one of us can," Ron commented under his breath, putting his ink bottle and quill away.

Ariana stifled a laugh as the bell rang throughout the school, letting many relieved students know they day of lessons was over.

The white-haired girl planned to visit the owlrey to send her letter after she had eaten. A good plan if ever she'd made one.

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