𝚂𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝙱𝚘𝚢

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Kurapika wanted to scream, he wanted to cry out, he wanted to break down, but he didn't. Or was it the fact that he couldn't? The mess of emotions inside of him had his body chained inside of a metaphorical water tank.

His body was on fire, but there wasn't even a bit of water to be seen to put it out and he continued to mourn. He felt weak and he knew there was nothing he could do about it. Kurapika's mind was degrading him in the worst way possible as he reaches for his phone. Should he call Leorio or Melody? They were the only ones that truly listened. When he felt for his phone, his fingertips just barely skimming it, yet it appeared far away and all he could do was rest his head in his hands, in hopes to calm his nerves.

The air around him was getting thick and heavy and all he could do was try his best to breathe. It might've been easier if he went with deep breaths, but Kurapika couldn't think properly. They were fast and short and his lungs felt like withering inside him. "Please," he only begs, clutching at his chest when his throat tightens.

"Please help me."

Kurapika's anger seemingly subsided at the moment. No one was there to save him. His mind narrated, no one will be there to save the silly, little boy. So suffer alone. His ears were ringing, singing a misery-inducing tone, and he puts his hands over his ears as if to make it stop.

He manages to stand now, the chair he was previously in fell backward onto the floor with the force his body used, and the only light came from his phone. Why had it turned on? Was someone going to help him? The soles of his feet were struggling as if they'd fallen numb, yet they carried him outside. Kurapika needed fresh air, his lungs now struggled and begged for just a gasp of oxygen.

He was sweating now, his bangs sticking to his forehead and the rest hugging any exposed skin. Kurapika stumbled, losing his footing, and he began falling forward. There was a faint voice, telling him everything would be alright, but where was it coming from? Had someone managed to find him? Of course not, don't be so naïve.

Kurapika was now on the ground, his face pressed to the surface, bruising his complexion. He reaches up, his body as heavy as lead, and his fingers twist the doorknob, causing it to open to the outside world. He takes in a shaky breath, balancing himself on his hands and knees, and he steadies himself against the door frame.

He manages to crawl forward, his palms scrape against the ground and he finally crumbles in the doorway. It didn't help his breathing much, but at least his head stopped spinning.

There was another voice, one he's never heard, asking if he was alright. Kurapika didn't answer, but his eyes looked up to see a figure rushing toward him. Why hadn't he heard their footsteps? Maybe, just maybe, someone was going to help him. You're so embarrassing, stupid boy. His mind nagged while his body was pulled up.

"Hey, hey," the voice said, "you'll be okay. I'll help you." No, they won't. He felt his body being propped against the wall as if he were merely a porcelain doll. So weak. A hand was behind his head, another wiping his cheeks with a piece of cloth. Had he been crying? Pathetic.

"Can you speak?" Kurapika inhales, attempting to communicate with the person that was now kneeling in front of him, holding his cheek in their right hand and their left one holding his shoulder as to keep him from falling over. The brick wall was cool against his clothed back and he takes in another shaky breath. Disgusting.

"Stay with me," his voice came out in a struggling whimper and he clutched the fabric of his pants. "Please, stay." You're pathetic. You're embarrassing yourself. And you call yourself a man. What was he to do? Give up. That sounded like the best option, but- just give up. There's no need for you. He was seriously considering it.

The tears have now stopped, but the feeling of guilt and sadness continued to course through him as if it ran through his blood like water going downstream. "Let's get you back inside. I'll keep you safe." Silly boy. No one can save you.

TAKEN »  𝐾𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑘𝑎 𝐾𝑢𝑟𝑡𝑎Where stories live. Discover now