Chapter 13: Hidden Powers and A Crazy Girl

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Morning in the Dragneel Estate:
Lucy: "Mmmmm, is it morning already....."
*Goes back to sleep"
Lucy: "Wait a minute is Natsu....."
Natsu is curled up next to Lucy embracing her
*Lucy's cheeks turn rosy pink*
Lucy: "Ummmmm........... Natsu....."
Natsu: "5 more minutes......."
Lucy's face then turns completely red
Lucy: *Why is he doing this? What is he thinking?! Why is my face so red right now?! You don't think he wants that!!!*
Lucy pushes Natsu off the bed
Natsu: "Owww What was that for Luce"
Lucy: "Why were you in my bed?!!!!!"
Natsu: "I thought you might be cold during the night so I went into your room to keep you warm, what did you think I was doing"
Lucy: o///o "Nothing! Nothing at all!"
Natsu: ? "Well if you say so, since we're up now we might as well get ready for school *Cr@p😥*
Natsu leaves the room and goes to take a shower and Lucy is doing the same but she's talking to herself about the bed thing
Lucy: "Why was I so nervous? I slept with him when I first got here, but that was different, no it wasn't, why am I talking about this? Why do I feel so warm around him? Ok stop talking to yourself Lucy there is a simple solution for this and I wish I knew what it was. Well I'm not gonna let it bother me for the time being"
Lucy then gets out of the shower and sees a box with her name on it, *Opens the box* to reveal a green short sleeve uniform with a darker green bow.
"Well I guess they finally got my uniform, that was quick" *Puts on uniform and grabs bag*
"All right *fist in the air happily* I wonder what will happen today"
Natsu and Lucy go downstairs to eat, and right when they were about to leave..
Zeref: "Hey where are you two going?"
Natsu: "Uh to school... Are you saying we should skip 😁"
Zeref: "No. And I'm asking it's because the school called saying there is no school today"
Lucy: "Why?"
Zeref: "😒Apparently 2 knuckleheads decided to have a fight in the hallway that got almost the entire school involved in it and made the side of the hallway collapse"

At the school:
Mira: "Please calm down Master"
Erza: "Please forgive me Master I should of gotten there sooner"
Master: 😠 "JUST... *calms down* how is it to repair?" 😞
Repair man: We it's 20,000 jewel..
Master: "That's all wow that was less than I expected"
Repair man: "Oh no that's just for the window replacement, then there's the floors, the lights, new seats, desks etc and that shouldn't cost more than 200,000 jewel"
Master: 🤯👻
Mira: "Oh Dear"

Back at the house:
Natsu: *About to speak*
Zeref: "You've lost any privilege to speak or make an excuse in this house"
Lucy:*Dang it Natsu I really wanted to go to school* "Well I guess I can change and Natsu can show me around while I wait for Mavis. Speaking of which where is Mavis shouldn't she be down here"
Zeref: "Oh no she left early to her job to pick up the kids she's babysitting today there going to the store to pick out her wedding dress with you"
Lucy: "Oh ok 😊 then Natsu will just show me around town"
*Snaps fingers and Changes cloths into the only outfit she owns, Natsu doesn't wear his uniform just the outfit in the picture*
Zeref: "Have a good time you two" *Don't make out without me and Mavis*

In Town Square:
Lucy: ✨✨ "Wow just look at all these buildings they're so pretty"
Natsu: "So I'm guessing that your world doesn't have building"
Lucy: "Oh no we do some of these structures are similar"
Natsu: *Wait they're the same so why is she so fascinated by this?*
Lucy: *Gasp* "What is that?! A place where humans can get magic items for a really high price?!"
👉Keeps forgetting that there's no magic on Earth
Natsu: "It's a cafe, Kiki's cafe technically and they sell drinks and food" *And sometimes the price can be ridiculous depending on what you buy* "Do you want to go in?"
Lucy: "Yes I do I'd like to meet Kiki, come on Natsu let's go!"
Natsu: *Chuckles a little* *She acts like a little kid when they are getting a new toy, it's kind of cute*

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