Chapter 14: The Explaination and Girls Shopping Day

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Back at the Dragneel Estate:
"Natsu! Hold still!" *Continues rubbing medicine on Natsu*
"There done! Now please Try to control your flames I don't know how much me and Virgo can take or the house in general"
Natsu: "Why? It just burned through the stitching tape"
Lucy: "And the walls, these curtains, this part of the ceiling, and me and Virgo's skirt, this burned patch of the floor...... Shall I continue?"
Natsu: *Puts on a pouty mad face and starts mumbling* "Well excuse me Mom for not knowing how to control magic I didn't know I had"
Lucy: *Glares* "I still exist Natsu, I'm sitting right here" *Slaps Natsu on the back of the head* "That was for leaving and making me worried sick"
Natsu: "Oh so that's how you're gonna play huh" *Evil smirk*
Lucy: "Wait Natsu what are you doing.. Huh! Hey!! Natsu you idiot put me down!!!!!! *Starts hitting his back*
Natsu: Hey you started it now it's pay back
(While I'm struggling to get Natsu to put  me down)
Lucy: *Geez how can a human who's just lost a serious amount of blood still have the strength to carry someone*
Virgo: "I see that the young mistress has become quite smitten with this human"
Happy: "They're in Love" he says in a childish manner
Lucy: 0///0 "Shut Up Stupid Cat!!!!!!! Nobody Asked For Your Opinion!!!!!!"
Happy:  *Hides behind Virgo* "I was just joking *Not* why do you have to be so mean?!"
Natsu: "Yeah! Ease up on him"
Lucy: "Did You Not hear what he said?! I just!" *Sigh* -//-  "How's Anya?"
Virgo: "It's hard to tell princess, Her wounds will take longer to heal since some bones were broken, and she may face severe emotional damage"
Lucy: "How did this happen?"
Virgo: "I believe this is the cause"
Virgo holds up a vile that changed from blood red to dark purple then to black
Virgo: "While I was examining her body, her Celestial energy seemed tainted so I simply used my force to remove the tainted energy and replaced it with mine"
Lucy: *Very concerned* "Well at least she's gonna be ok but what do you mean she may face emotional damage"
Virgo: "While I was removing the vile inside of her I sensed high levels of fear and anxiety. Who ever did this to her they had to be very powerful. If you desire princess I will go back home and analyze this venom to see what it does."
Lucy: "Thank you Virgo, I don't think I could have done this without you or Happy"
Virgo: "You are very welcome princess, So will you punish me now?"
Lucy: 😑 "Just go home!"
Virgo: "Very well, Goodbye" *Vanishes into smoke"
Lucy: "Uh Natsu? You know you can put me down anytime you want"
Natsu: "Well you seemed comfortable on here, plus I don't feel like it"
Lucy: "Just put me down!"
Natsu: "Fine, *mumbles* you were a little heavy anyway"
Lucy: "Did you say something"
Natsu: "Yeah, your skirt is on fire"
Lucy turned around to see her skirt was on fire, she fanned off the flames but her underwear was now visible in the back
Happy: 0///0
Lucy: -//- "Hey! Who told you, you can look!"
Natsu: 0///0
*Realizes Natsu is staring too*
Lucy: "Don't look at me! Turn around!
-//////////- *Infinite blushing* Just... let's sit down and explain everything" *-///- Why do these things always happen to me?*
Lucy: "Ok let me just start with what is magic"
Lucy: "Magic is the very essence of....
Natsu's mind: blah, blah, blah, Boring stuff, blah, blah, blah, I'm starving, blah, blah, Natsu, *Snaps out* Huh?!
Lucy: "Did you listen to a word I said?!"
Natsu: "Not a word"
Happy: "Aye sir"
Lucy: 💢 "I hate both of you
Ok so basically you have magic within you, you just need to learn how to control it. There better *sarcastic*"
Natsu: "You could of just said that, no need for the lecture"
Happy: "Aye, You talk too much"
Lucy: *Look who's talking Cat* "On an unrelated note I'm worried about how Anya is gonna be when she gets up, what happened to her, and how did she get here. I guess she has to stay here until I ask Eclair on how to get her back"
Happy: "So let me get this straight, we are letting a magical psychopathic killer stay in this house just because Virgo said she had something in her system"
Lucy: "Yep. That's what happening. Is that ok with you Natsu?"
Natsu: "Yeah sure"
As the conversation ends Mavis walks through the door wearing a blue mini dress with a layer of pink at the bottom of her dress and pink straps
Mavis: "Hey Everyone! I'm home" *Sees Natsu all bandaged up, a blue cat, half the living room burned, and a little girl sleeping on the floor* "What happened here?"
Lucy: "Uhh I'll explain on the way to the mall. Natsu you better have someone train you to control your magic"
Natsu: "But who?"
Lucy: *Stares at the other room* "Maybe you should ask your brother"
Natsu: ?
*Snaps fingers and changes clothes, wearing a white top purple skirt with a white lace, stocking, with heels and has her hair down*
Lucy: "Well we're leaving, later guys, Oh and if Anya wakes up please be gentle, don't scare her"
Walks outside to see a small white almost rectangular shaped thing with windows. It was smaller than the thing she took to get here
Lucy: "What is this?"
Mavis: "It's a car. It's what we use to travel from place to place on earth"
Lucy: "Ohhh so It's like that big blue shaped thing I came in got it"
Mavis: "That was probably a bus"
Mavis and Lucy get in car and leave the driveway (Obviously Mavis is driving.)
Driving down the road
Mavis: "So how long have you known?" *Serious expression*
Lucy: "About You, Zeref, and Natsu having magic. Since I met you."
Mavis: "Explain"
Lucy: "Stars can sense magic whether it is present in someone or not, most people I have come in contact with have magic sealed within them, but both you and Zeref's magic was free flowing so I assumed that you both knew you are wizards. And I was right, wizards still exist in this world, they are just unaware of their power."
Mavis: "And I was one of those people, Zeref was fully aware and I became aware when I met him I still can't believe that after all those years we have loved and cared for each other here we are about to get married" 😊
Lucy: "Yeah 😊 and here I am living among humans, making new friends, and learning new things every day"
Mavis: "Lucy. Can you take care of Natsu while you are here."
Lucy: "Why? He knows how to fend for himself"
Mavis: "I know but he can get really reckless, stubborn, and rushes into things quickly. He's always getting into some kind of trouble, and he knows how to make someone worry. He needs someone rational, has tolerance, and someone to watch over him so he doesn't do something stupid. Can you do that please?"
Lucy: "Ok, I will. But remember he can make his own decisions, he's not a baby"
Mavis: "Maybe not but he still acts like it from time to time"
Both: "Hahahahahahahaha"
Continues to talk until they arrive
Inside the Mall
Lucy: "So Mavis where do we go?" *Looks around to find Mavis, to find her at a cake shop*
Mavis: *Drooling*
Lucy: "Uh Mavis?"
Mavis: *Mumbles a little* "I want it but I shouldn't my wedding...."
Lucy: "Come on Mavis, what's a little harm in eating a little cake. Your wedding shouldn't stop you plus it's a shopping day let's have fun"
Mavis: *Snaps out of the trance* "You're right 2 Strawberry cakes please"
Store Clerk: "Ok. Here's your cake little girl"
Mavis: *Gloom* "I'm not little 😭"
Lucy: 😥 "Uh she's actually in her 20's"
Clerk: "Oh! I'm so sorry. Here this is on the house"
Lucy: "Thank you"
Mavis: *Eats cake and feels better* ✨✨ "Delishious"
As they eat they over hear a group of girls having a conversation with the Clerk
Clerk: "I'm sorry ma'am but there is no Strawberry cake I just sold the last 2"
Erza: *Deep gloom* "My Strawberry Cake all gone"
Levy: "Come on Erza cheer up"😅
Juvia: "Levy is right, Erza can eat the other cake here"
Erza: "My Strawberry Cake" 😭
Mira: "Oh Erza" 😅
Lucy: "Hey Erza you can have mine!"
The group sees Lucy along with Mavis Erza runs up to Lucy
Erza: "Bless your heart, Thank you Lucy" 😊 *Eats her cake*
Levy: "Hey Lucy How are things going at Natsu's"
Lucy: 😅 "Great" Can't tell her about him almost getting killed by her student
Levy: "Oh! I'm so rude. Lucy this is Juvia and Mira"
Lucy: *Looking at Juvia* "Wait don't I know you from somewhere"
Juvia: "Yes Juvia remembers. Juvia helped Lucy to find Natsu-san's house"
Lucy: "Yeah that's where, and Gray also talked about you..."
Juvia: "Gray-sama talked about Juvia" 😍 😕 "Did Lucy touch or seduce Gray-sama?!" 😡
Lucy: "No! I wouldn't do that. Plus so barely know him I only said that because Natsu told me why he was mad at him"
Juvia: *She maybe telling the truth but maybe she*
(Juvia's mind)
Fantasy Lucy "Oh Gray I'm so glad you don't have a girlfriend"
Fantasy Gray: "But I do her name is Juvia and I love her, I want to have 33 babies with her"
Fantasy Lucy: "Why don't you give me a chance? She isn't here so please"
Juvia: "What if she is confusing my darling Gray so she can have him all to herself! No! I can't let that happen! Juvia will be the only one who wins Gray-sama's heart"
(Out of Juvia's mind)
Lucy: "Uhh is she going to be ok?"
Mira: "Oh don't worry she's always like this. She really loves Gray.
Lucy: 😓 "You don't say"
Mira: Hi my name is Mirajane or Mira for short, I hope we can great friends"
Lucy: "Hey that's my line" 😏
Mira: *Giggles*
Lucy: 😊 *I sense darkness that is sealed yet moving freely, but how*
Levy: "So what brings you 2 here"
Lucy: "Oh we are here to pick up Mavis's wedding dress and to get my dress"
Erza: "A wedding sounds wonderful, we shall go with you and attend the wedding as well"
Levy and Mira: *Oh Erza. 😏 We know why you want to go to the wedding*
Lucy: "Ok? Is that fine Mavis? Mavis?
Again?! I swear she's like a ghost"
They see Mavis talking to a little girl with dark blue hair and a green scale-like dress
Lucy: "Mavis! We're going to the wedding store"
Mavis: "Ok! But this one is coming with us"
Lucy: "You know her?"
Mavis: "Yes her name is Wendy, I babysit her and her friend, she is also my flower girl"
Wendy: "Thank you for inviting me to your wedding Miss Mavis, I Mean Ms!,No I mean Ma'am, *Hangs head down* I'm sorry"
Mavis: "It's ok Wendy come let's introduce you to the group"
They talk Yeah let's actually get somewhere
~Time skip
At the Shop:
Mavis: "Hey Rea! I'm ready to try on my dress!"
Rea: "Right this way Mrs. Dragneel. And who are they?"
Mavis: *Points to Lucy* "Maid of Honor, *Then to Erza and gang* Brides maids *Points to Wendy* Flower girl, they need dresses too. Can you measure them and you know see if they fit in the dresses you and Zera are wearing"
Rea: "Sure. I'll ask Bree to help fit that dress on you. Wendy your dress is ready too. The rest of ya come with me!"
After minutes of quick measurements
Rea: "Done! Not much of measurement difference so with luck they should be ready by tomorrow"
All except for Mavis and Wendy: "WHAT!"
Mira: "But wouldn't it take longer I mean the time, process, the stitching..."
Rea: "We work fast and plus Mavis already had the dresses picked out we just need to adjust them to your sizes"
Lucy: *Wow! Even I'm shocked. I mean that it takes only a few minutes or an hour in my world but a day and I don't sense any magic here*
Bree: "The bride is ready wanna see"
Mavis was wearing a cute white dress that had a bow around her stomach, the dress was short in the front showing her legs but long in the back. Her veil had 2 roses. In short terms she was beautiful and cute.
Mavis: "Well how do I look?"
All: "Beautiful, Cute and Amazing"
Bree: "If you think that's beautiful and cute wait till you see Wendy"
Wendy came out with her hair in pigtails wearing a white thin-strap dress that had 3 layers of frills and the top had a rose on it with a rose wreath
Wendy: "Uh... is it ok"
Erza: *Sheads a tear* "You both look too beautiful that it's the only word I can think of describing you two"
Lucy: ☺️ *Erza must really love weddings, but let's be honest she said what we were all thinking*
Wendy: "Thank you Miss Erza"
~Time skip
Mavis was taking some pictures while we were looking at this pinkish-white dress with a hot pink bow around the waist it was The dress they are all gonna wear. Mavis is done taking pictures
Mavis: "Hey! Since we're here why don't you try on some wedding dresses!" 😊
Mira: "I'd love to!" 😊✨✨
Levy: "I don't know"
Lucy: "I'm really not..."
Erza: "Yes! We shall all try one on" ✨✨
Lucy and Levy: *Oh no*
Juvia: "Juvia will try one on too"
Levy: "Might as well it could be fun"
Lucy: "Yeah!"
I'm lazy here are the pictures

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