Chapter 17: Wedding Day

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-Looking into a mirror
Today was finally the day that Zeref and I are getting married. We were always together and I can't wait to tell him how much he really changed my life
Lucy: Mavis, are you ready?
Mavis: I just need to zip up my dress
Lucy helps zip up the dress
Mavis: *Crying*
Lucy: *Panics* What's wrong?! Do I accidentally get your skin?
Mavis: *Crying* No, I'm just so happy! After all these years it's finally happening *Continues to cry happy tears*
Lucy Tries to calm her down
-With Zeref and Natsu
Zeref: Don't destroy anything until we leave
Natsu: I can't make promises I can't keep
Zeref: *Calm down, this is for Mavis she deserves the best* *Even though I'm not the best*
~In the wedding hall
Levy: Is everything set up?  !
*Sees Juvia crying*
Juvia: Juvia can't help but feel happy for Mavis and Zeref! 😭 Gray-sama hold Juvia
Gray: Not A Chance!! *Tries to get Juvia off*
Mira: 😊😭 I always cry at weddings
Erza: Come on now, we promised that we'd that we'd be strong and happy for Mavis and Zeref. Now let's finish up and get ready
*Wipes a tear*
Levy and Lucy: 😏

The wedding is about to begin. Everyone is getting a last minute pep talk. And the wedding music begins 🎶. And Everyone starts walking in pairs:
Natsu and Lucy
Gray and Juvia walk in with Juvia not letting go even after they get to the podium
Erza and Jellal
Erza: *Thank you!*
Mira and Master Makarov
Levy walks by herself because 2 idiots are fighting over her
A/N: No Gajeel not in this yet
Happy is the flower Cat
Anya is the ring bearer
And Finally Mavis comes walking down the aisle

Priest: We are gathered here today because Let's be honest we all wanted to see this happen
But don't hear it from me let's hear it from the Happy Couple here.
Zeref: Mavis when I first met you, I thought I hoped you pretend that I never existed to protect you and I would go back into the darkness. But you pulled me out of that darkness and helped me get over my fears *Of unintentionally killing people.* You were my light, you've done so much for me and all I did was cause you trouble for you, your friends and everything I came in contact with I don't deserve you.
Tries to walk away but gets pulled my Mavis just in time
Mavis: You didn't hear what I had to say. Prepare for a flashback everyone
Zeref before I met you my life was empty, I was always doing whatever torture I was assigned to just to pay for my parents to stay in the hospital, even though they didn't want me to it I loved them so much, I didn't care if I was suffering as long as I helped them I could smile. But after they died, I quit my job and I didn't know what to do, my friends all left me to soon. As darkness was coming over me I saw a little boy staring at an animal carcass with sad eyes I recognized all to well. It was in that moment I realized 2 things I wasn't alone and what my parents really wanted me to do, Help those in need.
~End of Flashback
Mavis: You say you caused me trouble, you should know by now I like trouble. You gave me a new home and someone to call my family.
Calls Anya over and grabs both rings, and puts one on Zeref's finger and holds out the other ring
Mavis: I will be your Light if you be my Darkness
Zeref: *Tears of extreme happiness* Yes *Puts Mavis ring on her*
Priest:😭 You may now kiss the bride
Both: *Kiss*
Everyone is cheering and crying at the same time even the strong ones

~Party time
Mavis and Zeref are doing their dance along with others
People are enjoying the dinner table
Some more than others
And dropping off presents/bills
-With the girls
Mira: So you enjoying the party
Lucy: Absolutely I'm still crying over their story, I hope one day someone will propose to me just as sweetly
Mira and Levy: You said it sister *High fives*
Juvia: Juvia will wait for you Gray-sama!
Gray: 😰
Girls: 😅
Levy: You know it's really weird how good Gray and Natsu are getting along
Natsu and Gray: 😠⚡️😠
Lucy: 😅 Or not
Mira: 😊So Lucy I have to know how did you meet Natsu
Lucy: Huh? 😶
Juvia: Now that Mira-san mentions it Juvia remembers giving Lucy-san directions to Natsu's home
Levy: That does sound weird. Lu-chan how did you meet Natsu?
Lucy: Uhhh......*Worried* Well I saw him outside in the field, wishing on a star, and something about him that just drew me in, I kept thinking about him since that day, I wanted to meet him
All: 😏
Lucy: What?
Juvia: Juvia wishes the best for both you and Natsu-san *Finally Love rival is no more!*
Levy: Oh Lu-chan you really don't get it? You love him
Lucy: What?! No I just!.....*Owe him my life*
Mira: Are you sure about that? How can you be so sure?
Lucy: I'm....*Not* *He did appear to me in my dreams and I always kept dozing off just thinking about him I was rarely present* *He may be an idiot, always picking a fight, reckless, and weird* *But he does care a lot about his friends, willing to do anything to protect them, he's brave, and his smile is reassuring* *Wait?! Why am I thinking this?! No no! I can't have a crush on Natsu, he's my friend!*
???: Lucy!
Lucy finally comes back to reality and Natsu is standing over her with meat in his mouth
Natsu: Are you sick? You're turning into a tomato?
Lucy: What?! No, I'm fine really *Frantic*
Levy: 😊 Yeah don't worry Natsu she accidentally ate a pepper
Mira: But she's fine now, Thanks for asking, I hope to see you back at school
Natsu: ? Ok *About to leave*
Lucy: Wait! Can you stay here for just a little while longer? *Blushing*
Natsu: Sure 😊
Girls: 😏
Then suddenly there was an explosion, and in the smoke was Laxus with The Thunder Legion (Bixlow is replaced with Gajeel)
Laxus: Well it seems like everyone is having a good time. Old man, Natsu, and Mira good to see you all
Master: 😠 What do you want Laxus
Laxus: I just wanted to give my congratulations to Mavis and Zeref
Mira: Well now you have, now go 😠
Lucy: *I've never seen everyone here so on edge, even Mira is mad, this isn't good*
Laxus: Awww come on we were just getting comfortable
Gajeel is near the food court bothering Levy
Lucy: Hey! Leave her alone she's not interested
Laxus: *Walks towards Lucy* You must be the new girl people are talking about. *Grabs hand* You got guts blonde *Pulls her up* Now let's put that talk to the test
Natsu then punches Laxus and he lets go of Lucy
Natsu: You've pulled some shit over the years Laxus now you've gone too far!
Laxus: Really?! Let's see how much your fighting has improved Dragneel!

The bubble of tension just burst, The Thunder Legion started to fight Fairy Tail members, most of the guests all fled, and Natsu and Laxus's fight was getting intense, while Laxus was doing the most damage to Natsu with his series of hard punches and kicks, but Natsu despite his injuries he had the upper hand, striking the weak, blind spots
Levy: Lu-chan are you ok?
Lucy: I'm fine, but I gotta help Natsu
Levy: Wait! *Goes and find shelter*
Lucy: *Sees Natsu fighting* This has to stop before he uses magic
Just as Natsu's hand showed a spark, Lucy grabbing Virgo's key, then suddenly a monster bursts through the wall. Everyone stops fighting and starts running
Natsu and Lucy: What?! *Natsu knocks out Laxus while he is staring at monster*
Natsu: Now for you ugly *Gets pulled down*
Lucy: Don't do it Natsu, look at Mavis and Zeref
Both Mavis and Zeref both looked at the monster with a serious glare and Mavis was a barely visible magic circle and she was moving her hands very slowly
Lucy: It's just an illusion. They want us to get everyone out to safety

Natsu and Lucy got everyone out of the building, Mavis and Zeref explained to the police that the monster was supposed to be a heart hologram but they bought the wrong chip. Laxus and the Thunder Legion were arrested, Master paid for damage Laxus did to the wall, even after all that Mavis and Zeref still had a great wedding.
I told Eclair about my what my friends said about me and Natsu and she completely agreed that I had a crush
Lucy: -///- What am I going to do?

Welp I'm done here

Welp I'm done here

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