Chapter 2

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~**Trigger Warning;Self Harm will be in this chapter**~

The bell rang, cutting Tsunade off mid sentence "well, guess we'll have to continue tomorrow. Don't forget to read chapters seventeen through twenty tonight!" 

Deidara hit a sleeping Hidan "wake up, class is over" Hidan raised his head and stretched. The two friends stood up and began walking out of class. Tobi followed them and ran to Deidara's side "I'm Tobi!" Deidara raised an eyebrow at him "Deidara." Tobi beamed "It's great to finally meet you! Your art is truly amazing! Sad but amazing!" Deidara sighed and walked ahead leaving the beaming boy behind. Tobi smiled in confusion under his mask and called after him "well, see you later!"

Deidara tried to avoid as many people he could but so far he didn't have much luck since he ran into some of the most popular kids in the whole school. Neji only glared at him and Saskue was about to say something until he saw his older brother, Itachi, walked up "you and your friends should just walk away little brother" Saskue rolled his eyes and began walking away with Neji and Shikamaru. And for the first time Deidara noticed, Neji had his arm wrapped around Shikamaru's waist. (A\N:MY STORY MY RULES! THE WORLD JUST NEEDS MORE SHIKANEJI!!!)

Deidara sighed "Sometimes I wonder how you two are related" Itachi shook his head "I don't know either Deidara. I swear I'm adopted".

The day dragged on and Deidara slowly stepped up the stairs onto the bus and sitting down in an empty seat near the very back. Trying to block out the taunts that were being thrown at him by Kankuro and Kiba. Eventually Kiba had scooted next to him with Kankuro in the seat behind him, both throwing insults at him. They ended up going to far when Kankuro brought the blonde's mother into it. He stood up when the bus stopped and got off, though it wasn't his stop.

He began walking home, not caring that rain was pouring down in buckets. Deidara hugged his arms tightly and shivered, his blonde hair was plastered to his face and the back of his neck. Cars continued to drive past him that was, until an old broken down silver car pulled up next to him, the window rolled down to reveal Pein. The older boy frowned as he saw his friend walking in the cold rain. The two made eye contact and Deidara continued walking only for Pein to drive next to him slowly. "Deidara" The blonde shook his head "I'm fine, I can walk home Pein, I'm not helpless." Pein knitted his brows together "get in the car. Now." 

"Pein, I'm fine" 

Deidara continued walking, but Pein didn't give up "Deidara get your ass in the car or so help me I will make sure you don't walk till next year." Deidara gave up and climbed into the front seat of Pein's car. A familiar smell of cigarettes filled his nose. 

It was a silent drive to Deidara's house and the blonde climbed out of the car "See ya tomorrow.." He shut the door and went inside to be greeted by nothing but silence.  And with no one home, Deidara broke down completely, sliding down the door, hugging his knees tightly and sobbing hysterically. 

Eventually he gathered himself to his feet and he stumbled up to his room. He threw off his sweatshirt, leaving him in a black T-shirt and jeans. He walked over to his end table and rummaged through the drawer until he found what he was looking for, the blade to a pencil sharpener.   

He looked down at his scar littered arms, debating what arm to use this time. Settling on his left arm, he held the blade tightly and swiped it across in a horizontal line. And again.

And again.

And  again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

His phone started ringing during a mid cut, causing him to jump, making the blade cut his skin deeper than he intended "fuck..", setting the blade down on the end table he picked his phone up to check to caller ID. Immediately answering seeing that it was his mom "Hi mom!" he heard a soft chuckle on the other line "Hi honey, sorry I didn't call you yesterday, things got a bit hectic at work and I ended up staying late. I figured you would be asleep by the time I got home" Deidara sat on his bed "don't worry mom, it's alright. I passed out around seven thirty last night so, I wouldn't of answered anyway". Kashikoi hummed in response "so, catch me up. How's school?" Deidara laughed slightly "it's okay mom" He knew that Kashikoi was smiling "and how have you been sweetheart?"  Deidara paused and looked at his now blood covered arms "...I'm fine." He hated lying to her but, he didn't want to drag her into everything that went on. Especially this, not even Pein or Madara knew, and those two know everything about the group. Only Sasori and Deidara himself. "Dei? You still there" Deidara's mother snapped him out of his thoughts "o-oh yeah, I'm still here mom. How have you been?" He put on a fake smile, though Kashikoi semi helped with the depression and suicidal thoughts, she couldn't block out all of the demons. He knew that as soon as the call was over, they would all return and the voices would constantly whisper in his head that he was worthless all over again, it was a never ending cycle. 

Kashikoi and her son talked for a half hour and eventually ended the call. Deidara looked down at his arm, the blood had finally dried. Sighing Deidara made his way to the bathroom closest to his room and grabbed a towel and wash cloth from the closet. After turning on the shower and adjusting the water to the right temperature, he took off his clothes and threw them in the laundry basket and climbed into the shower, washing his hair and body. 

The teenager hissed in pain as he washed the dried blood off, the soap causing the cuts to sting. Of course, it was nothing new to him. It wasn't first time and it won't be the last. 

After cleaning up he turned the water off and wrapped the towel around his waist then rushed to his room. He threw on a pair of red and black pajama pants with a simple grey Sleeping with Sirens T-shirt. As he was drying his hair his eyes found their way to a picture of him, Hidan, Sasori, and Kisame. Smiling softly he stood up and took the picture, then frowned. He wasn't frowning because of his friends, he was frowning due to the fact that if his friends were to find out about what kind of pain he caused himself, they would be hurt. Kisame and Hidan would flip their shit, Sasori only glared and held back the tears -first and last time Deidara ever saw him like that-, Konan would try lecturing him but wouldn't know what to say, while the others, they would beat his ass into the next one hundred years. 

The new kid then flashed through his head. Deidara was curious about him, why he was so happy and cheerful? Part of him wanted to despise him while the other part wanted to get to know him better. 

And fortunately for the blonde, the side that wanted to get to know the cheerful boy was winning.  

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