Chapter 5

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Deidara sighed happily at the thought of yesterday. He still wanted to believe it was a dream. He hopped into Pein's car with a smile. Pein had raised an eyebrow "the hell has you so happy?" The blonde smiled "I'll tell you later".

The artist glanced at his phone as it lit up, seeing it was a text from the group chat he had made with the three yesterday. He saw that it was Hinata saying good morning to him and Shikamaru. Deidara quickly unlocked his phone and replied with a good morning of his own. He laughed slightly at Shikamaru saying how he could sleep for weeks he was so tired.

Pein glanced over at the chuckling blonde "what's so funny?" He was suspicious, Hidan never woke up this early and was often late for school in the morning, so he knew it wasn't him. Kisame had broken his phone and was in the process of getting a new one, and the other's weren't one for humor. But he kept quiet for the whole drive, the two climbed out of the car and walked into the building. Pein said a small goodbye to his friend and made his way to go find Konan and Madara.

Deidara was busy unlocking his locker when he heard the voice of Hinata and Neji. He smiled as he faced the two "morning guys" both of the Hyuuga's greeted him and talked for a bit.

Hidan had walked into the school complaining to Itachi about whatever when his attention was turned towards the three. He frowned at the sight "Oh hell no.." Itachi even was unhappy about what he saw.

Hidan walked up to the friends and slammed his hand on the locker next to Deidara's, causing Hinata to flinch and shrink back behind her cousin slightly. Neji glared at the slightly taller boy as Hidan grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

Deidara grabbed his close friend'a arm "Hidan wait, Neji and Hinata aren't bad people just let them go!" he tugged at Hidan's arm trying to get him to let go of the upperclassmen. Hidan glanced back at the smaller boy "the fuck do you mean 'aren't bad people'?!" Deidara flinched slightly, Hidan had never raised his voice in anger at him before.

He kept tugging on his friend's arm to make him let Neji go but he had no luck, the taller male had an iron grip, not to mention he was much stronger than Deidara. The blonde glanced over at something moving in the corner of his eye "oh no...." It was none other than Shikamaru, who looked very pissed off at the scene. Nara walked forward and grabbed Hidan's wrist "I suggest you let go of him and walk away Hidan"

The white haired boy only scoffed, but let go of the Hyuuga only to turn his attention to Shikamaru. "And what the hell are you gonna do about it Nara?" Neji set a hand in Shikamaru's shoulder "Shikamaru, relax I'm fine, he's harmless anyway." Deidara sighed and continued to pull at Hidan's arm "Hidan, let go of him!"

"Now, now you two. There's no reason to fight" Tobi had arrived just in time for the scene, either at the worst or the best, Deidara didn't care. "Oi, Tobi help me damn it" Tobi grabbed the white haired boy's arm "come on now...there's no reason for this." Hidan moved his arm and shoved Tobi and Deidara off of him, and unfortunately for Deidara, his left arm -which was still hurting from a couple days ago- was hit by Hidan's elbow.

"Son of a fuck!" Deidara held onto his arm tightly as his friends had stopped arguing and looked over at him.

Hidan, who had already been growing suspicious for at least a week, walked over to him and grabbed the blonde's arm.

Deidara's eyes widened in fear as soon as he caught on to what Hidan was doing "Hidan don't!" Unfortunately he didn't listen and yanked up Deidara's sleeve to his sweatshirt.

His face, along with his other friends, immediately went from anger to shock. Although Hidan's went back to anger as he grabbed Deidara's other arm and did the same.

He was quiet and Deidara couldn't find the words to say. "H-Hidan..." He managed to choke out just before his friend had his out burst "What the fuck Deidara! Why the hell are you fucking doing this to yourself?!" Deidara cowered  slightly, trying to bury his face in his arms or hands. Tobi grew very concerned, it was obvious that Hidan cared, but his yelling wasn't helping anything.

Hidan lightly shoved the smaller boy "fucking answer me!" The blonde flinched as Tobi proceeded to wrap an arm around him and held him tightly. "Yelling at Deidara is not going to help him Hidan. I understand that you're upset and that you care very very deeply about this, but you can not shout at him, it'll only make matters worse."
By now, Deidara didn't give two fucks about what people thought of him. He clung onto Tobi like he was his lifeline, burying his face in the taller boy's chest, trying to hold back the tears and sobs that threatened to escape. Hidan, immediately regretted yelling at the blonde. He was just confused and upset, when he got like this, he tended to yell. Back in midd school before they came to a mutual understanding, he would always take it out on said now shaking blonde.
The Jashinist smacked his forehead "damn it, Dei, I'm sorry if I brought up bad memories from middle school. I know you would always try not to break down when I would take everything out on you."

Deidara shook his head and refused to look towards his friend. Tobi only wrapped his other arm around the smaller boy. Gently whispering that they should go somewhere else. Deidara agreed and the two walked off to a more isolated area, Tobi looking around for people while Deidara hid his face in the hood of his hoodie.

Noticing this, Tobi pulled Deidara into a tight hug and the artist only began to sob in response, hugging him back tightly.

Tobi rested his chin on Deidara's head and ran his fingers through his soft golden blonde hair "there there'll be okay eventually.."

Key To Your Cold Heart \\TobiDei\\ -REWRITING-Where stories live. Discover now