Chapter 10

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Konan placed her hand over her mouth in shock as she stared at Deidara's arms "Deidara......" Itachi frowned slightly and walked up to his red headed friend "you should of left it. As bad as it is, Deidara would of shown us when he deemed himself ready to show us. No sooner nor later." He turned to Hidan "and you should of let it be. If he wanted us to know, he would of let Sasori tell us but, Deidara didn't let him to because he knew what our reactions would be. Not taking it well."

Hidan was about to retort back when they heard the voice of a teacher.

"Hey. What the heck is going on over here?"

Around the corner came the PE teacher, Gai. He looked at the group of friends with a slightly displeased look on his face "you do know classes are still going on right?" They all nodded as Deidara scrambled to get his sleeves rolled down quickly, though Gai noticed this.
The man frowned slightly and sighed "all of you get out of here, if I hear more ruckus like this I won't let you off so easy next time." The group nodded and hurried away, Deidara slowly following until the teacher stopped him "all except for you Deidara."

The blonde froze and gulped slightly as he looked over his shoulder "yes professor Gai?"
Gai walked up to him and spoke firmly "show me your arms" Deidara sighed, knowing better than to disobey a teacher, let alone Might Gai. He rolled up his sleeves and showed the usually energetic man his scarred and cut up arms.

Gai only sighed as he examined both arms, he opened his mouth to speak when Deidara cut him off

"Please don't tell counselor Shizune! Or have her tell my parents!" He clapped his hands together and shut his eyes tightly as he pleaded to the teacher standing before him. Gai thought for a couple minutes, giving the blonde haired boy a concerned look before nodding "alright, I won't tell Shizune or have her call your parents" Deidara opened his eyes and smiled "thank you professor Gai! I really appreciate it!" And before the teacher could respond the blonde quickly ran off to catch his friends.

When he knew he was a good distance away he stopped and leaned up against the walls, not bothering to wonder where the others ran off to. Oh no, he was far too pissed off. So pissed off he punched the wall. "Damn it Sasori....." He sighed and gently hit his head on the wall, beginning to wonder who his true friends really are.

Speaking of friends he saw a certain tall kid walk around the corner "Deidara is everything okay?"

Deidara turned to face the person only to be met with not an orange mask wearing happy go lucky guy. But instead an attractive boy with onyx eyes. Tobi, for the first time, hadn't been wearing his mask and the touch of the black hoodie really complimented that fact.

Deidara nodded "fine." Tobi frowned and gave the blonde an 'oh really' look which caused his friend to go from nodding to shaking his head "I can't keep anything from you....." Deidara chuckled lightly and looked at Tobi's face, taking in every detail. On the side of his face, he had scars. No. Burn marks. (A\N:This Ladies, Gentlemen, and that beautiful rainbow in between, is the idea my friend Sheila gave me for instead of the scars he has, it's burn marks from a house fire when he was younger. So...Thank you Sheila!!) The blonde's breath hitched slightly upon the sight of them. A deep chuckle came from the boy in front of him, something Deidara wasn't used to. He was so familiar with the happy and high pitched voice that usually came from his friend.

"What happened....?" He asked quietly. Tobi only smiled at him, it was soft yet kind of sad "my house caught on fire when I was ten years old. As you can tell I didn't make it out unscathed. I've learned to live with it though." He approached the blonde in front of him and held a couple of the blonde's fingers gently "it's why I'm always wearing that mask, it just got really annoying today so I decided 'Fuck it'" He chuckled lightly and then gave Deidara a concerned look "but you're the one I'm concerned about. Did something happen? You seem upset." Deidara only nodded "Hidan and Sasori got into a fight and....revealed my self harm to the others...." Tobi frowned "I see......" The blonde nodded "I'm beginning to wonder who my real friends even are that bad?"

Tobi opened his mouth then closed it again, not really sure on what to say ".....I honestly don't know Dei...." Deidara sighed "it's fine.....just forget I asked..." The brunette frowned "I don't think it's an extremely bad thing.....Hidan and, or Sasori crossed a line they shouldn't have. It's your privacy and they should of let you reveal that when you were ready but, no offense to you or those two, but they're both stubborn idiots that don't know when to stop sometimes...." The blonde laughed lightly "You're not wrong there Tobi..."


The one word that came out of his friend's mouth confused Deidara more than anything, and he didn't hide it "Huh?" He gave the male next to him a weird look, while his friend only smiled at him "My real name is Obito Uchiha." Deidara tilted his head "then why go by Tobi?" Obito only shrugged "Dunno. But, I thought I would tell you...I trust you more than anyone in my whole entire life...."

Deidara felt his face grow warm slightly "Why? Tob-Obito, why trust me? We just met almost a month ago." Obito smiled at him "'re open minded and you frankly don't care that much about others as long as they respect you....I know it's hard to earn your trust but...I want to be there for you as much as I'm able to because...I truly do care about you Deidara." Deidara raised a brow and tried not to cough awkwardly, the words his friend was confused him, he couldn't describe the feeling he had.

Instead he only looked at the clock on the wall and laughed awkwardly "hey would you look at that. I just remembered Shikamaru wanted to talk to me about Professor Tsunade's lesson. You know him always sleeping in class haha...." He tried to walk away from the awkward situation but he felt a hand grab his wrist and he was brought back and gently pushed against the lockers, Obito's hands beside his head, caging the blonde.

"Deidara.....Shikamaru doesn't have Professor Tsunade as a teacher..." Obito whispered softly. Deidara stared into the onyx eyes that appeared to be looking right into his soul " okay? This isn't like you..."

Obito's eyes went back and forth between Deidara's sky blue eyes and lips before the Uchiha began to lean in slowly. The blonde felt his heart hammering in his chest yet, he had no urge to push the tall boy away. Instead he stood there, and didn't even realize himself growing closer to Obito. Something just right.

"Hey Deidara! Look I'm sorry for earlier I know you must be pissed but, are we still up for this weeke-...."

Deidara knew that voice. Hidan. Just as Obito's lips were about to meet his, the blonde quickly and forcefully shoved the Uchiha away and looked at his silver haired friend who was currently very confused "Should I....come back later?" Deidara shook his head "No it's fine! Uhm this weekend..yeah we're still hanging out don't worry. I'm pissed at you but I won't cancel plans."

Hidan gave a quick glance to boy whom he knew as Tobi, who looked very displeased that he had been cockblocked, by Hidan out none the less. The Jashinist merely shrugged it off and grabbed Deidara's arm "Come on Dei, we should probably get going to Physics before Professor Kakashi kills us." And without saying a word to Obito he quickly walked away, dragging the artist with him.

Key To Your Cold Heart \\TobiDei\\ -REWRITING-Where stories live. Discover now