Chapter 22

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Deidara groaned as he woke up from a splitting headache. After the party they all had decided to go to Hidan's and everyone had fallen asleep in the basement. Shifting slightly, the blonde pulled himself from his boyfriend's embrace but still being careful not to wake him. Looking around, it took him a moment to remember where he was. He sighed and rubbed his temples, trying in vain to get rid of the headache caused by the hangover he was suffering. The blonde patted around aimlessly for his phone. Having found it, he looked at the screen, flinching slightly from the unexpected brightness. Letting his eyes adjust, he scrolled through the notifications. They were ones he had expected. 

"Instagram...Instagram...YouTube...SnapChat...Instagram...text from dad...another text from dad....text from Chie...missed call from mom....text from Hinata saying Neji and Shikamaru got back together..Instagram...." He paused. Blinked. And then reread the text from Hinata, eyes wide and jaw dropped. He yawned as he opened it, trying to force his brain to process what was written in black letters in a grey box on his phone screen. "What the hell happened last night?" He muttered aloud. A groan pulled the blonde's attention from his phone to see Pein, sitting up slowly and holding his head "holy fuck...." he looked over at his girlfriend and shook her gently "Konan....babe.....babe." After a couple seconds, Konan opened her eyes and sat up taking a moment to remember where she was. 

Eventually, everyone woke up, Hidan complaining about how this was the worst hangover he had ever experienced. Of course this was nothing new. Deidara stretched, feeling his bones pop satisfyingly. Sighing softly he leaned back against his boyfriend, who wrapped his arms around him and pressed a small kiss to his forehead.

"What now?" Kisame asked while yawning. Konan looked at her phone and stood, stretching her arms over her head "might as well go get some breakfast. IHop should be open." She said, opening up the camera on her phone and attempting the fix the eyeliner that had smudged in her sleep. Kakuzu shrugged and stood up, pulling a complaining Hidan with him. "I'm okay with that." He replied as he set a hand on his boyfriend's head and gently ran his fingers through silver hair.

Everyone agreed in response. Breakfast was honestly probably the best thing they could do for the hangovers they were all suffering from. 

Although, they just ended up DoorDashing it due to the fact that none of them wanted to drive. 

And honestly, Deidara couldn't think of a better way to spend a morning. Suffering from a hangover, watching as Hidan and Konan fought over syrup and laughing at them, as well as being snuggled up with what he deemed the greatest boyfriend to exist. He looked at Obito, who was currently fixated on Hidan and Konan, who seemed to always argue like siblings. The blonde smiled and leaned up, kissing the brunette on the cheek. The Uchiha looked away from the other two and smiled at Deidara, taking his hand and squeezing it slightly. 

The group had gone through a pretty big loss, things would never be the same without Itachi around. But they were still one little family, that helped each other find a place in the screwed up world they lived in. 


Hey guys, I am SO SO SO sorry about how long it took for this chapter to come out. I just..

I thought my life would take a better change after I graduated from high school. And it did for a while. I started making a decent relationship with my dad, I started bonding with my sisters, I started socializing more, I got a job. I started looking at colleges to go to. And I got engaged. 

Things kinda just just ended up taking a turn for the worse however. My job became extremely tiring, a lot of my friends and I began to find it difficult to make time to hangout with how busy our schedules had become, that relationship I had started to build with my dad, that went to shit. I still have so far from having enough money to pay for a college tuition. My depression hit in me in a huge wave out of nowhere and writing only seemed to just stress me out for the longest time. And to top it all off, my engagement might be ending due to complications in my relationship with my fiance that I really don't feel like getting into for the sake of what little mental stability I have left at the moment. 

I know it's not much of an excuse but it's the only explanation I have. I hope you guys can forgive me and I hope you guys enjoyed this, although short, wholesome chapter. 

I can't promise when the next update will be but I will promise that it will be published eventually. 

Our story is almost over and I thank you all so much for sticking with me for this long <3

Key To Your Cold Heart \\TobiDei\\ -REWRITING-Where stories live. Discover now