Chapter 7.1

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I feel so nervous and worried inside me. It's like any minute I will faint. I disgust this feeling.

"For the Solo Idol, it will be Anna and Drew. The participants for the Dancing Duo will be Tiffany and Luigi. And the last competition which is Singing Duo will be attended by Czarina and Kristoff." she said looking at us.

>.> --- Anna

-_- --- Drew

>:( ----Tiffany

O.O ---Luigi

^__^ --- Kristoff

:) --- me

Those are the facial expressions that you will see after what our Miss told us.

"Is there any questions? Suggestions? Clarification? or any objections perhaps?" she continued with a smile on her face.

"I don't have anything of that Miss. I'm contented." Kristoff said with a big smile on his cute face and he even winked at me.  I just show a half smile at him.

"TSK TSK" Luigi mumbled.

"ARGH!" Tiffany whispered.

"Do you think Miss we have a choice?" Drew said.

"Yes. You all have a choice, only that, there is the question- What is the right thing for all of us?" she answered with a serious tone.

"Ok Miss we surrender. You win." Anna said irritatedly.

"Miss? How about me? Why am I here if I am not included in this contest?" said by the guy at the corner.

"Oh you Randolf, I forgot to tell you what you are doing here... You're here because you will be the one who will cover what is going to happen on the competition. Take pictures and important informations and details ion the event." she commanded.

"Ah Ok, but Miss can I also have a partner. I don't think I can handle that all alone. There are lots of competition." he suggested.

"Sorry to say Randolf but you can't have anyone to help you. As much as possible only trusted students should know this competition first. These benefits are for all of us." she said.

"But why Miss? How can the other students support us if they will not know it?" Randolf said questionly.

"They will know it a day before the competition itself. And if there is another why, don't ask any more because you are all smart. Ok?"

We just nodded.

This Randolf guy has so much question in his mind and so do I. But why he keeps on asking questions? His job is so easy if only we can change places I will be willing to.

I just hissed. I didn't notice that it is loud that they all hear it.

"Why Czarina? Is there something bothering you?" Miss said while looking at me intently.

"Miss to tell you the truth, there are lots of questions running in my mind. I just don't know where to start." I said to her.

I notice that they are all looking at me right now like there is a disbelief in their eyes. But anyway I don't care because these are too much in my mind to handle.

"I have the time Czarina. Lets talk later One-on-One." while she's saying this I just notice in her eyes that this is going to happened.

SH*T! Now I regret why I told her that. My body is now feeling something, it's like I want to pee any minute.

"Is there any more question?" she said looking at the other students inside her office.

When I looked to them, I can feel that they also don't want it but they have to accept and deal with it now.

The silence has been broken when Tiffany talks.

"Miss what is the theme all about?" she asked seriously.

"The theme is - Music is in the heart. It's up to you what comes to your mind about that theme." she said with a weak smile.

Why is there something hurt in her eyes? Ah, I don't have anything to that maybe it's too personal like mine.

"Ok." Tiffany said with contentment in her voice.

"This competition will be held at Stone Age Coliseum next month. There is still no exact date, so guys, be ready, have fun and good luck. I know you all can do it because I believe in you." she said. In her voice it's full of sincerity and warm that's why we all smile on her.

"Miss can we go now?" Anna said.

"Yes you may."

They all stand and go out of the office. the last one to get out is Luigi. Before he gets close to the door I told him,

"Luigi? Can you wait for me??" I pause for seconds then, "Nah ah! Don't mind what I said you can go now." I looked away. Why did I tell those things? It's like I always need him. No! This can't be happening to me. I just turned my back and looked down, this is not me anymore. When I hear a footstep near the door, I hear him sigh and talks so softly like it's only us who can understand and hear it,

"Don't worry I won't leave you." with that simple sentence a smile form on my mouth and I hear the door closed.

I think he's now special for me.. ^____^



My Note to the readers:

Thanks for reading this story. Because of your help, it inspires me to continue this story of mine. Please keep on reading, and voting. You can also leave a comment if you want to. Sorry for those typos. :)

With or Without You??Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon