Anmol Part 4

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Please note this point - This story contains lot of THANK YOUs and SORRYs. And It's just a fiction, and please let it be like that. Any resemblance to living are dead are completely co-incidental.



Part 4:

Arnav is restless throughout the journey. After seeing Khushi on bus, Arnav took the driving seat sending the driver to back seat. Somewhat he found Khushi's bus and followed that bus till they reach Delhi. He couldn't understand what made Khushi leave the house immediately. He couldn't decide anything. 'My Jeejaji – Abhinav' he remembered Khushi's words. 'What's the matter with Khushi? Why did she leave immediately? Is it because of her sister and her husband? She said she loved that idiot, and then what made them get married to each other? I don't think Khushi is incapable of understanding her life partner. I need to find out. I don't want Khushi to be left alone. She deserves happiness. If not with me, then at least with someone else' thought Arnav.

"What's wrong Chote? Why are you driving slowly? You said you need to go to office?"

"Di... you said you want to enjoy the road journey, because it's been long. So, I'm trying to give you that enjoyment" he didn't say anything about Khushi or he didn't let his car to miss the bus.

"Oh... thank you Chote... you know you are the best brother in the world" Arnav rolled his eyes hearing his sister's words

"Yeah... I know... whenever I do things you like, I'm the best. Otherwise I'm a heartless ruthless arrogant Singh Raizada, right?" He asked making everyone laugh at Anjali

Seeing his sister in mirror, he smiled at her slightly and continued following Khushi's bus.


"Dadi... can I come in?" asked Arnav after knocking the door

"Of course Chote... you can come at any time"

"Dadi... I'm wanted to talk with Khushi before taking any decision. Can I? Will it be good?"

"I don't know Chote... but what's the need now? You already talked with her, right?"

"Yes Dadi... but I have some questions to ask her before my decision. This is important to our relation. So, tell me, where should I meet her, restaurant or any park or temple or office?"

"I'm not the person from whom you should take permission. Its Khushi... you have to ask her permission to talk with her. Go to her office and tell her about your need. Then let her decide where she wants to come. She is sensitive Chote... you have to deal her with so much care. I don't want you to hurt her, she already had enough."

"Hurting Khushi? And me? That never will happen, Dadi... I won't hurt her or I won't allow anyone hurt her. Don't worry and you can trust me on Khushi. She is precious Dadi... I know... Anyway thanks for your suggestion. Good night... I will let you know about our talks, for now... sleep tight" he kissed her forehead and made her lie on bed. Covering her properly with quilt, he left to his room.


Aran looked at his son surprisingly, when he saw him hopping his car in the morning

"What are you doing here in my car? Aren't you getting late for your office?"

"I have an important work in your office. It's important than my office work."


"Driver... move..." he sat there without giving any answers to his father. Waiting for answer for few more minutes and not getting anything, Aran sighed and immersed in the file

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