Anmol Part 5

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Please note this point - This story contains lot of THANK YOUs and SORRYs. And It's just a fiction, and please let it be like that. Any resemblance to living are dead are completely co-incidental.



Part 5:

"I already said my opinion Arnav Ji... if you are okay with this, then I'm ready for marriage"

"I'm not asking about what your family's decision. I'm asking YOUR opinion and decision about this marriage, because Khushi... I need YOUR decision. For me YOUR opinion is important, not your family's. I need YOU to take decision about YOUR life, not others. I just want YOUR opinion on ME and decision on OUR marriage proposal. If you don't like me or not wanted to marry... then... then..." he gulped hard "I will back off from this proposal"

"What about your interest in this marriage? You said you can't back off!"

"Yes, I can't do this. But here more than my interest or my feelings, YOU are important to me. YOUR opinion on me and on this proposal is important to me. If you are not ready to this, I promise you... you will never see me again in your life"

"Arnav Ji..."

"I can understand your situation Khushi. But do you really think whatever you are doing is correct? Here I'm not saying you are doing wrong, but Khushi... wasting your life for the person who doesn't love you or doesn't deserve you, is not correct. He is living his life happily, then why shouldn't you do that? And you said you do not love him anymore, then what's wrong living your life happily? Why can't you move on? I know it's difficult to move on. But Khushi when your family want to marry you off, do you really think, your family will be happy seeing you like this?"

She nodded her head in no, while lowering her head

"Then... why can't you marry?"

Khushi looked at him with unreadable expression on her face. Seeing her expressionless face Arnav felt helpless. He stood from his seat and paced in the room running his hand in his hair in frustration he said "I don't know how to make you understand what I want to say. Khushi... when your family wanted to marry you off and when they will get you marry for sure to any man, why can't you marry me? Don't you like me? Do you want time? Please say something Khushi..." he sat with a thud in defeat

"I never say I won't marry you" said Khushi

"I know... but that is not important. I need your opinion about me, whether you like me or not. Whether you like me enough to share your life with me or not, whether you trust me enough to live with me or not... I want YOUR opinion Khushi. I don't want you to agree for this marriage because of your family. If you need time to think, I will wait"

"You don't have to..."

"But I WANT to..." said Arnav.

Khushi looked at him. Sighing deeply and said "Arnav Ji... I'm not used to take decisions in my life. From my childhood, my family never allowed me to take decisions. They took all the decisions behalf of me. Now, when you are asking me to take decision..." she nodded her head in no "I don't know..."

"But this is the time to change the tradition. You said, you don't love him anymore"

"Yes, I don't"

"Don't you like me Khushi?"

"I don't know Arnav Ji... I don't want to give false hopes to you. But I should say, when I met you in my house, I found a friend in you, a very good friend which I need most. I'm sure... I like you, but it's not love. And I don't think, this 'like' is enough for us to be husband and wife. I don't want you to feel bad in your life"

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