Anmol Part 7

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Please note this point - This story contains lot of THANK YOUs and SORRYs. And It's just a fiction, and please let it be like that. Any resemblance to living are dead are completely co-incidental.



Part 7:

Khushi woke up early and got ready by 6. She is pacing around the hall seeing time for every 5 minutes.

"What's wrong with me? Why am I feeling tensed? Why is my heart beating hard?" she thought aloud

She again looked at the time which is showing 10 minutes past 7.

"Oho... Khushi... are you crazy? Why are you looking at clock every 5 minutes? It's not going to run seeing your face, is it? So, stop being tensed"

She sat there reading the newspaper. Her eyes are moving on the words but not her mind is following them. She groaned in irritation and threw the newspaper. She closed her eyes and kept assuring her heart saying 'everything will be alright, just relax'. After some time, she felt sudden change in her heart beat. "Hey Devi Mayya... what's going on?" she thought out loud. She jumped from sofa hearing door bell. She gulped hardly and went to open the door

"Hi Khushi... Good Morning" shouted Arnav making Khushi step back from her place with freight

"Why are you shouting Arnav Ji?"

"Don't friends wish each other like this? I thought as you want me as a friend, I should wish you like this" he smiled sheepishly and scratched his hair

Seeing his expression, Khushi laughed her heart out after a long time. She has tears in her eyes by laughing holding her stomach

"Okay... stop it. NO need to laugh at me" Arnav said. But not seeing any control in her laugh he said again "Oh... come on..., I don't know how friends will wish each other, okay? I always wished my friends in formal ways only... I mean like in official meetings" This statement made Khushi laughs more

"You... hahahah... wish... hahaha... your... hahah friends... in... hahaha formal? Hahahah I... can't... hahaha believe this... hahaha" she continued her laugh

Arnav frown his eyebrows and sat on the couch with a slight pout looking other way from Khushi which posture made Khushi try to control her laugh.

She sat on the other couch beside him and held her ears and said "I'm sorry Arnav Ji... Please forgive me... Sorry for laughing at you. Please..." she tilted her head to her right to look into Arnav's eyes.

Arnav side glanced at her and turned other side again


Arnav turned towards her and both looked at each other for few seconds and both burst out into laughter. Both fell on their couches laughing. After controlling the fits of laughter both settled on their couches

"I always thought how people can laugh on stupid things. And I never knew, one day I will laugh this much on some simple thing. Main bhi na... I too was behaved stupid. Sorry for wishing you in that weird and horrible way Khushi. Phew..." said Arnav

"But this is just a wonderful start of my day. Thank you Arnav Ji" she said wiping her tears from the corner of her eyes.

"Thank you? Why?"

"Because it's almost two years I laughed my heart out. This is really incredible morning for me. You made me laugh after a long time" she is genuinely felt thanks towards the man in front of her.

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