Anmol Part 6

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Please note this point - This story contains lot of THANK YOUs and SORRYs. And It's just a fiction, and please let it be like that. Any resemblance to living are dead are completely co-incidental.



Part 6:


"Bua Ji... it's me Arnav, Khushi's boss's son and um... I came to see... I mean we our family came to your house for... for..." he felt little uncomfortable not knowing how to introduce himself

"I remember you babua. Tell me how are you? How is your family there?"

"We are fine Bua Ji. How are you and aunty?" he asked sighing in relax

"We are fine babua, just worried about Titaliya. What's your decision babua? Did you decide?"

"I decided long back when I saw Khushi's photo for the first time Bua Ji. If I get married to any girl then it should be Khushi, otherwise no one" he is firm in his decision.

Bua Ji felt overwhelmed hearing his decision. She immediately said "Then I will call your parents and will discuss with them about marriage dates... and..." she was cut by Arnav's words

"Did you ask Khushi's opinion Bua Ji?" his question is straight

"She will accept with us babua. You don't worry; I will take care of her"

"That is not correct Bua Ji. This is her life, she has to take decision. How can you impose your likes on her? Sorry if I sound rude, but I can't see Khushi like this"

"But, after whatever happened in her life, I don't think she will agree with the marriage. So, for her own good, there is no way for us to force her to marry you"

"Bua Ji... before you force her for marriage, I want you to give time to her. I don't want you or aunty to force her in this marriage. I want HER to take decision about OUR marriage. Till that, please don't talk with her about this marriage. I already talked with her about this and I tried to make her understand. So, for once, please don't force and please help me get her in my life. Believe me Bua Ji... I love Khushi. I need her in my life. I want her to accept me not because you all wanted; I want her to accept me because SHE wants. Please Bua Ji... don't think otherwise, but I need your help in this. Please..." he is desperate to stop Bua Ji to push Khushi towards their marriage and affect her decision. Well impressed with his outburst Bua Ji promised him, not to force Khushi or talk with her about this marriage anymore.

She is very happy to get SIL like Arnav. She always wanted to get an understanding person for Khushi. Khushi is apple of her eye from the first day of her visit in this world. As she lost her husband before she gets any child with him, she considered Khushi as her own child. She even forced her brother to give Khushi to her by adoption; of course he didn't accept that. She used to fight with her brother and sister-in-law for comparing Khushi with others. She shifted from Delhi to Lucknow to take care of Khushi. She became Khushi's support in each every second. Khushi shares every pain, happiness, success and thoughts with her Bua Ji.

Madhumathi felt so much pain seeing her Khushi going into her shell. She tried her best to bring her back to her original self. But she couldn't do that. But when she saw Khushi's eyes twinkle when Khushi saw Arnav, she got her hopes back. 'May be Arnav is the person, who can give my Titaliya deserved happiness' thought Bua Ji. She always knew Khushi will be a successful girl. But now as things got changed, she needed a support and a push towards her success, and now, she knew Arnav will be the only person who can give that required push, because after knowing about Khushi's past, he is still ready to spend his life with Khushi. He is not ready to lose her. He almost gave warning to her to not to interfere or force Khushi from now on. That is the minute; Bua Ji believed and trusted Arnav with her Titaliya. Bua Ji closed her eyes, praying god for sending Arnav into Khushi's life. She also prayed to let Khushi accept Arnav by herself as Arnav wanted. She sighed in content and went to do her daily routine works.

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