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I wanted to go to Hellingly immediately, but the rain started as quickly as it had stopped and David advised that we went the next day when it was less slippery on the roads, despite when I protested and told him that I hadn't even fallen over on the bike.

I opened my eyes to bright sunlight filling the room, creating a warm, orange hue. The lines of light danced with the little specks of dust that flitted about in the air. I stretched my arms and legs and turned to my side, when a face was suddenly against mine. I shrieked in shock but quickly covered my mouth when I noticed it was David, hoping I hadn't woken him. He grunted and sat up quickly in surprise, hitting his head against the bedframe.

"Wha- ow, shi-" he stuttered, putting his hand to his head and rubbing his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," I mumbled, pushing my hair behind my ears. He flopped his head in my direction and stared at me through heavy lids. I looked back at him, raising my eyebrow. He stared at me until it became uncomfortable and then he yawned and stretched his arms up, breaking his gaze and letting one of his arms fall over my shoulders.

"Whatever. Why am I in your bed?" he asked.

"It's your bed."

"Why am I in my bed?"

"We were asleep."

"Oh.. Okay," he said, shrugging and sliding out of bed. I rubbed my forehead anxiously, thinking about the day. David swung open the closet door and the mirror on the inside reflected the sunlight directly into my eyes. I covered them, thankfully, as before I knew it David had stripped and was choosing an outfit to wear.

"Jesus David, have you no shame?" I asked him as he held a shirt up against his chest and looked at himself in the mirror. 

"Oh, I forgot you were there," he replied, but still did nothing to cover himself. He'd changed a lot since I first met him, if you saw him smiling he'd blush and hide his face, and now he was sauntering around with his country hams on show.

When he'd finished changing, I ushered him from the room so I could get dressed. I'd acquired a few more piece of clothing since I'd ruined the floral dress, and this time I opted for a different dress. It was a pale beige and had a lace trim. It went up to my neck but did little to cover my legs, and barely travelled half way down my thighs. The sleeves were long and cuffed and the torso was decorated with more lace. I looked like a Victorian child. 

"You look awesome," David chuckled through the doorway. I rolled my eyes.

"How long have you been standing there?" I said, crossing my arms against my chest. He shrugged. 

"I didn't see anything I wasn't supposed to!" he said, throwing his hands up in surrender and turning away, walking into the kitchen. He made himself some toast as I pulled my hair back and tied it, finished with a ribbon, still letting a few strands fall over my face.

"So, when are you going to tell me what they found there?" I said, sliding into my seat and pulling my dress down over my knees in an attempt to make it cover a bit more skin.

"I already told you Ay, they didn't tell me what they found, they want you to check it out," he said. 

"What help am I going to be? I only just found out how old I am."

David smiled and rolled his eyes. "Have some faith in yourself, lady."

"Yeah, you always say that." I bit into an apple and chewed it reluctantly, unable to ignore the fact that I felt like I was going to throw up. "I'm nervous," I confessed, when I finally swallowed the one bite. 

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