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Apparently, it was my birthday. At first, it felt like any other day, except I was woken exceptionally early by David who brought me breakfast in bed. Austin was planned to come over before lunch and then we could go and eat somewhere of my choice, despite the only restaurant that I knew being the pizza place, although I think David knew that. 

"Sorry I didn't get you anything, I haven't really had any time," David said, sitting on the end of the bed and running his fingers through his hair. I took a bite of toast.

"David, it's fine," I said reassuringly with a mouthful of food. "I promise."

"That taste nice?" David laughed, looking away from the chewed food in my mouth. It reminded me of the time in the pizza place. I nodded eagerly and took another bite. When I'd finished, David crawled towards me and planted a quick kiss on my lips.

"Happy birthday Princess," he said hesitantly, and I ruffled his hair with my free hand, while putting my plate on the bed side table. 

There was a knock on the door and David hurried up to get it. I looked at the clock. 11:59. It'll be Austin.

"Where's the birthday girl?" I heard his voice excitedly bounce off of the walls. He leaps in and thrusts a bag into my face. It was baby pink with little flowers all over it. At least he had got something feminine, David had told me a story about when Austin had bought his girlfriend a gnome and a pair of Calvin Klein boxer shorts. I open it and pull out a little black dress.

"Oh Austin," I said. "You shouldn't have."

"I wanted to," he replied, kneeling beside me. "Get out of bed and put it on, lazy."

"You're still as charming as when I first met you," I cooed sarcastically, swinging my legs out of the bed and walking over to the mirror on the inner door of the wardrobe. I looked at the two boys and after a while they took the hint and left. I slipped the dress on and looked at myself in the mirror.

To say that this was a shirt would be an exaggeration. I pulled the flimsy material down as much as I could, but to pull it over my legs just pulls it further down my chest.

"Austin you only gave me half of the damn dress!" I yelled, trying to cover at least a third of my body. David peered through the doorway and his jaw dropped.

"Good God Austin," David said, raising his eyebrow. "Did you intend to make her look so..."

"I didn't know your size or measurements or anything," Austin said nervously, running his fingers through his hair as his cheeks burned bright red. "I mean, you look great. Like, really good."

"For a prostitute," I mumbled, hiding myself behind the door of the wardrobe. Austin hurried away and David rocked on his heels in the doorway as I quickly got changed.

"You ready?" he said, smiling and admiring my more suitable outfit. I nodded and walked out, and noticed Austin perched awkwardly on the arm of the chair. He stood up when he saw me come in and we all left shortly after.

"Sorry, Ay," he mumbled at the bottom of the steps.

"It's fine Austin, come on. I'll wear it as a skirt some day," I replied comfortingly.

"Or a legwarmer," David muttered. I smiled and Austin nudged him in the side with his elbow.

"You have really long legs Ayla so it didn't look that bad and I mean it wasn't too big or anything," Austin stuttered, stumbling on his words. I rolled my eyes and shot him a look.

"Shut up, Austin. You're embarassing yourself," David sighed. Austin nodded and fiddled with the hem of his shirt nervously. I stopped in front of him and took his hands from his shirt and held them.

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