In some way, we all figure out parts of ourselves we haven't really taken too seriously. The funny thing is, we actually should have. These can be parts about how your parents teached you to behave at meal times or even how to stop from crying when you were too sentimental again. Nonetheless, as we grow older so the more experienced we become. If you happen to already have a clue what I am gonna write about: It's the most simple (and at the same time) the most challenging thing called "love".
Indeed, there is A LOT to philosophize. "What makes us fall in love? Why do we fall in love?" The questions can go to infinity and beyond. (Well with that saying, they can even go to Disney.)
However, all I want to write about today is the meaningful and resistable constellation of our self-esteem during the dating-chapter. This may sound familiar to you since rushing too quickly into dating has everything to do with your feelings towards yourself. Studies recently found out that our self-esteem depends on whether he/she likes you or not. So on the one hand, if you have a comfortable and proudly feeling of yourself, you're more likely to give your dating-partner a little more time to chill. On the other hand, if your self-esteem is quite low and you have troubles with finding someone who could really like you, then you really must be having a hurry beginning a new relationship. In my case, it would be the second case.
So as a comeback to my first phrase, there must be a few emotional holes developed within the years just because of some straightforward praises your parents told you as a kid. As a matter of fact, throughout the years there must have been a day when you got a compliment, which pushes your self-esteem higher. But if that compliment didn't appear very often to your ears or rather to your mind, then you grew up with it, unconditionally and unknown.
Those holes are carried with you, and you will notice it when the time is right and there comes a man/woman you would wish they close them. Still, why hurrying? Clearly you can't undo what was said to you but you can damn make sure to have empathy for yourself. What about listing a number of nice things to you in the morning? I definitely recommend you to start tomorrow, right away.
Though, as well as I'm convinced about persuasion, I guess this won't bring me very far, personally. I must admit I didn't believe all at first thought. And yet it creeps the hell out of me how every fact makes sense.
So please take those missing parts of you seriously and try to fill them up (not too fast).
And just in case you are a guy: Don't be a dick and tell your partner some compliments you really mean.