Chapter 1 - Stalking His Prey

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*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

*Author's Notes: After months of indecision, I have finally worked up the courage to post the first chapter of my story, 'Slash's Revenge.' This work in progress is a sequel to my short story 'Mikey's Worst Move Ever.' *Just so you know, you don't have to read 'Mikey's Worst Move Ever' prior to reading 'Slash's Revenge.' There will be a few references to 'MWME,' but none that are critical to the plot line of this new story. ;) Speaking of 'MWME' . . . I want to give a huge thanks to all the readers who have already checked out that story. I appreciate it very much.* C8

Okay, about 'Slash's Revenge.' Whereas 'Mikey's Worst Move Ever' is a comedy that transpires just hours before the episode 'Slash and Destroy,' 'Slash's Revenge' is a suspenseful, multi-chapter story that takes place a few weeks after the same episode. I will warn you in advance that the story is going to get rather intense. Slash is not a very nice turtle in this one . . .

Please take the time to vote and/or comment on 'Slash's Revenge' if you want me to continue with it. I wrote the first twelve chapters of this story over a year ago now and I've been debating on whether or not I should pick up where I left off, so the feedback would be much-appreciated. Thank you so much! ;) CJ

Okay, on with the story . . .


Chapter 1 – Stalking His Prey

For the better part of two weeks now, he had been covertly watching their movements from afar. He had had plenty of time to study their nocturnal activities while he continued to recover from his physical wounds incurred during their last encounter.

The healing process had proven to be rather difficult, but he supposed he should have expected that. After all, freefalling over the edge of a multi-story building down to the sidewalk below does tend to take a serious toll on the body.

No human being could have possibly survived such a fall.

Fortunately for him, he was no human being. Not so fortunately for the unsuspecting concrete slab that had been crushed beneath the tremendous weight of his impact.

Staring over the ledge of the building that he was currently posted at, he rolled his massive shoulders back and grimaced at the pain that still dwelled deep within his muscles and joints. He then cast a bitter gaze at the building across the street, where the very sources of his discomfort were out 'patrolling' as they had always liked to call it.

After fourteen days of spying on them from the shadows of adjacent rooftops, he was getting to be a bit of an expert on their nighttime rituals. Not that it took a whole lot of brainpower to memorize their routine. The four of them were most definitely creatures of habit, essentially following the same song and dance number, night after night. This came as no great surprise to him. They were nothing if not predictable.

Fools . . .

He was all too familiar with their tedious ways, having spent most of his life silently observing the brothers from the confines of the place they referred to as 'the lair.' Up until a couple of weeks ago, that 'lair' had been the only real home he had ever known. But now, he was no longer welcome there.

Not since his mutation . . .

Not since the night he had been transformed into 'Slash' . . .

During his time in 'the lair,' Slash had always been the closest to the most temperamental one of the siblings. This one had expressed a rare soft spot for him, and only him it had seemed. This brother wore a red bandana and went by the name of Raphael.

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