Chapter 4

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    Sammy  wasn't  use  to  going  big  public  events  at  the  school,  or  anywhere  else.  The fesitval  was  full  of  all  kind s of  people. Every  class  was  present, he  stood  at  the  popcorn station  waiting  for  Kyle  to  show  up  as  he  promised.  He  looked  around,  it was  so  packed  he  haven't  seen much  activity  in  awhile. Kyle  finaly  arrived  kissing  his  mother  goodbye.

  ''I thought  you  weren't  going  to  show  up'' he  said  grabbing  his  best friend  by  the  collar playfuly.

  ''Trust  me  when  I tell  you  this  better  be  worth it''.

  ''I know  why  you  came,  and  it  involves  Taylor'' Kyle  said  grinning.

  ''You  think  so  huh?''

  ''I know  so''. Sammy  directed  his  attention  to  the  soda  station, it  was  humid  out   as  they  got something  cold  to  drink. The  annual  fesitval  was  something  Fairfeild  High  displayed  with pride.  It brought all  the  teachers  and  students  together. It  was  Sammy's  first time  attending, as  they  had all  kinds  of  games to  play.

  ''I wonder if that guy who was with Taylor was her boyfriend''? Sammy asked looking at Kyle. He shrugged his shoulders.

  ''She is a very attractive young woman, so it wouldn't surprise me if it were''. 

  ''Women are tough creatures to figure out''.  They walked over to a game station, to see if their luck was any good. Sammy saw her in the corner of his eye, he turned to see Taylor behind him.

  ''Sammy hey how are you, i see you made it''.

  ''Yeah i couldn't resist, this is my friend Kyle'' he replied as they shook hands.

  ''So...... how have you been''?

  ''I been good'' Sammy said. She looked better than ever, her long hair tied in a long ponytail. Those green eyes matched her shirt. He tried not to stare too hard, as she glanced at the soda station.

  ''I'm thirsty do you want to get something to drink''? she asked.

  ''Sure it wouldn't hurt''. They sat down at a nearby table looking around as kids flooded the park.

  ''I came her all four years, it's brought me good memories''.  He smiled at her fixing his glasses.

  ''This your first time here''?

  ''Yes it is, I usualy don't do this sort of thing'' he said drinking his Dr. Pepper. She looked at him for a second, then back at the activities. A tall male around six foot got her attention, he was standing not too far away. She smiled getting up walking to him Sammy turned around only to see her rushing in his arms. He looked at Kyle for a second, they both walked over to the table sitting down.

   ''Matt this is Sammy and Kyle, you guys my boyfriend Matt'' she said introducing them. He spoke to them quickly kissing Taylor on the cheeck. He had brown short hair, with brown eyes you could tell they were in love it showed. Sammy wanted to ask her why? why would she bring him here. He just sat there trying not to make eye contact. After all what could he possibly say to him, Taylor was full of cheer as they sat whispering to each other. Sammy got up to leave, she looked at him.

  ''Your leaving''?

  ''Yeah this is not for me'' he replied. She had a look on her face almost disapointment.

  ''Alright well i'll see you around''.

  ''Sure'' Sammy said walking towards the exit with Kyle following behind. He was scorching, never in his life have he been so embarrassed. His blood was boiling, and there was nothing Taylor could say to fix this. It was a hopless cause, he wondered why did he even attempt to come? to even try? He sat there in the dirt looking at the farm, the peaceful scene made him feel somewhat better. The horses needed feeding as he did his work alone.

The Lost Love Chronicles By Warren P.P.Where stories live. Discover now