Chapter One

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"Hi, I am Prince Eren Jaeger. And tomorrow is my 18th birthday. That's the day I will be categorized as a Alpha, Beta, or the lowest of the low-Omega. I am the only Child of King Grisha and Queen Carla."

"C'mon Eren! Put it on!" My personal maid Petra, had urged. "But do know that is a dress..right?." I looked down at the neatly folded cloth. At first sight I wanted to pick it up and throw it as far from me as possible. "Yes Eren, I know." Sighing she held the cloth in her hands. "Eren, it is most likely that you are an Omega. I mean, just look at you! Your body is so small and your body's frame is so feminine, it's like it's shouting "Dominate Me!" She had giggled a little at her own statement. Frowning I yelled at her saying "That's not true!" I was very frustrated and annoyed at this point. I guess when I yelled at her I was a little to harsh. It was not the best thing to do. Especially since she was an Omega. As soon as I yelled at her, she turned around and put the emerald green dress on my bed slowly and looked at me while saying "Yes your majesty, sorry for questioning you." When she said that, I felt guilt bubble inside me. Shouting out to her "Wait, petra!" I tried to apologize, but she had just bowed and walked away, carefully shutting the door behind her. Groaning, I sat on my bed covering my face. "What am I going to do now?" I sat there for a few minutes until I saw something out of the corner of my eye. Turning my head to face the object, I discovered that what I saw that it was just the neatly folded cloth Petra had left. At that moment I knew that it was the right thing to do, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

As soon as my phone started to buzz, alerting me that it was morning, I got up and did my daily routine. My cleaning maids came in and made my bed and took my night cloths to get cleaned. Once I was dressed and looked for the most part decent, I headed down to breakfast where I usually find my Mother and Father waiting for my arrival so that we may all be served and eat together. As I was eating, I heard my Fathers voice. "Eren I expect you to be on your best behavior for your ceremony. This is very important." He had stopped eating to look at me. By the look of his face, I could tell he was dead serious.

[Later That Day] (1Hour Before The Naming)

All of my maids were rushing to make me ready for the ceremony. I saw all of my usual maids. All but Petra. I began to worry that maybe she resigned to be a kitchen maid or to look after one of the Kings highest ranking soldiers.

I guess one of the maids noticed my concerned expression and gave me a reassuring smile. I had smiled back. Not a smile that indicated that she had reassured me, but one that showed that I was at least 'okay'. Finally, my maids finished fixing me up to look as they had called it "dazzling". 40 minutes had passed by the time I was done, so I only had 10 minutes to rush to the Main Ballroom. As I was about to open the doors leading inside, as I had already prepared myself on the way here to be surrounded with congratulating guests. My father called out to me from down the hall. Once he caught up, he put a hand on my shoulder and said "Eren we have a special guest...and he is here to meet you. Please treat him with respect, as he is from another Kingdom. He has traveled a long distance, so he will be staying awhile." Nodding I opened the door. Immediately being surrounded by the guests and family members. Over the crowd I saw my father sitting on his Throne. The guests were each giving congratulations, hugs, kisses on the cheeks, and reassuring comments and pats on the the back. Looking up at the clock it read 6:58 PM. Only 2 minutes to go. Sucking in a breath I excused myself politely and made my way to my throne that sat next to my Mother Carla and my Father Grisha. Carla gave me a kind smile, I smiled back. We all heard a trumpet which announced that the Naming has begun. Silencing all of the crowd. A man dressed in robes stepped out from another room. With him, he brought a bowl. Once he made it to the middle of the ballroom where there was a long table. He set the bowl down. When the man set the bowl down I noticed that there was a slim needle on a red cushion next to the bowl. My father coughed to get my attention. When I looked at him he nudged his head towards the table indicating that it was time to do the ritual. Hesitantly, I stood up and walked towards the man. Looking inside the bowl, I could see a grey looking liquid. Looking up once the man began to speak I listened to him say the instructions to me "you must draw blood and let it fall into the bowl. The color will determine your status. Gold meaning Alpha, Blue meaning Beta, and Purple meaning Omega." Picking up the needle from it's resting place, I stared at the silver pointed tool that looked so insignificant, who would think that this small item would change my future and determine my fate? Mumbling out an "okay" I pricked my finger. Flinching at the sting I put my finger above the grey liquid and let the blood drop. At first nothing happened and I had began to doubt that I did it right, when all of a sudden the liquid inside began to shift and switch to different colors. At first, it went at a rapid pace and after a few minutes it slowed down. Finally, resting on one color...Purple. Once it had settled, the man in Robes began to speak loudly "Prince Eren Jaeger, has been categorised as an-Omega!" The people who were in the Ballroom had began to clap and whistle while saying that it was a grand day. I was so shocked that the sounds around me were muffled. I couldn't move. I was so confused with the feelings I had just gained. Not only that, but I could smell everyone and everything in the room with me. I felt dizzy so I went to sit down. Once I was seated I came to realize that...I was an Omega. The lowest of low. I was a breeder. I was born to reproduce.

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