Chapter Two

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This book has gotten so much love, it's incredible! I have decided to continue writing it, the story will now be updated regularly every few days or more than once a day. I want this book to have at least 25 chapters, so look forward to more updates.-TREE

"Urgh, Dad.." I groaned while doubling over in my throne. Unaware that my new scent would capture a lot of attention. Grisha turned towards me, with a restless look. He was stressed, my new scent let out a troubling stench. One that sent Alphas into a frenzy of smelling and releasing their own phermones of dominance.

"Get me King Levi and a guard!" King Grisha demanded while growling out warnings for the aggressive Alphas to back away. "Secure the area and protect the prince." Levi said to his own guards as he advanced towards the king and Prince. All of the ball attendance were escorted away. "Grisha, it's going to be okay." Queen Carla said as she placed a hand on Grisha shoulder, while releasing her calming phermones that calmed both Eren and Grisha. "Dad...I just want to go to" Eren said breathlessly. "Of..of course!" Grisha responded quickly. "King Levi? Can I get a maid to escort you to your chambers?" Levi stood his ground for a few seconds, leaving the parents and son in a uncomfortable silence. "No, I wish to speak with you Grisha." Levi said, as he crossed his arms. Leaving no room for defience. "Yes, of course." Grisha said with hesitance. Carla, along with four guards walked Eren to his room, where they secured him safely inside.

"Follow me your majesty. My study is this way, we should be away from prying ears." Grisha explained as they walked down a empty corridor. Levi said nothing, he kept quiet. There was most definitely something on his mind.

Once inside Grishas study, Levi made sure that they got straight to business.

"Do you think what just transpired was okay?" Levi asked, he looked bored, but the phermones that were being emitted from him was terrifying. "I know not what you mean.." Grisha looked away.

Levi was even more annoyed. "You held a Naming without planning for all options? Havock just arupted and all you do is cower? No wonder you asked me for assistance all those years ago." Levi growled out. The reason why he even asked, was because for two reasons. And they fit perfectly. One, Grisha had nothing else to offer. And two, his weird prosper (A person who can predict the future with prophecy's) has said that his only chance at love would be born into a falling kingdom, of which he would lose if he did not act fast. "Do you not know how dangerous that situation was? Did you think that if your son was Named Omega, that the Alphas would go into a immidant Rut?" Now that Levi thought about it, this was probably the prophecy. If he did not protect- Levis eyes went wide. He would lose his only chance at love, and he realized his mistake. "Nevermind that Grisha! Your son is in danger!" Levi yelled as he ripped open the doors and charged down the corridor at lighting speed.

As he neared the stairs that led to Prince Erens room, he heard it. The crash of glass, and the screaming. The Castle was being inflitraited. And at that moment, a young looking man broke through the window and landed on Levi, succesfully knocking him to the ground. Quickly Levi drew his sword, only to be pushed back with a grunt. Glaring his eyes, the young man on top of him smiled back. "Hello!" The man said with thick accent. "I am Captain Vochadious and I am here to kill all of you?" He yelled with a giant smile. His sword was thrusted upwords and 15 others also broke through the large windows.

With his small distraction he was able to knock off the attacker, he pulled out his sword and pushed the attacker back, and skillfully stabbed him in the leg. Captain Vochadious fell onto one knee and screamed out in pain. His crew men looked concerned and hesitant. So Levi ran upstairs, slashing at more crew members legs and listened as they yelled and fell down the long narrow stairs.

He jumped over ruble and debrie as he neared Erens door. He started to smell anixiety, not from Eren, but from his mother. So he pushed himself to go faster until he turned that sharp corner, skidded, and ran into one man who had kicked down the door.

With a thud, they fell down. Crashing down on the other side of the hallway. The man tried to top him, but he pushed him back down. They rolled to a broken window and toppled over each other. Pulling hair and biting. Levi slashed hi in the eyes with his claws and with his open hand grabbed a handful of tiny shards of glass and threw them in the mans eyes. The man screamed and dusted his eyes, while the man was distracted, he pushed the man out of the window and down the thirteen story castle. Another man tried to catch him, but he ducked and when the man was over his back, he pushed up with his head and headbutted the man in the chin. Knocking him backwards and onto his butt. Where Levi stole his dagger and impaled the man in hand. Keeping him in place. When he looked over at Erens door, Carla was sobbing and holding Eren as another man was attempting to pull him away from her. Eren looked to be unconcious, and he had blood dripping from an injury somewhere on his head. Levi guessed he protected Carla from the door.

Levi charged at the man who pulled Eren from Carla. But before he could attack the attacker, Carla stood up and jumped on the man. She grabbed his back, while pulling his head down into her arms. Making it hard to hold onto Eren. Levi went over and Eren and made sure he was okay, all while watching Carlasmashed the mans head into the wall. They both struggled, being pulled by each other. She scratched his arms and back while holding onto his neck. She kept pulling, succesfully pulling them both to the edge of the window. She locked eyes with Levi as she turned the mans back to face the window and pushed him off, he didn't let go with out a fight. He grabbed onto her arms and tried to pull himself up. She headbutted him and bit him. And he fell though the window.

[The man falling through the windows p.o.v]

I felt the sting of the Queens cuts on my arms and back, along with the tingling feeling of falling. I quickly thought of how to survive. I can't grab the wall with out harming myself, and that's when I remembered. I had matches in my pockets. I grabbed them and pulled seven in my fist and put the red end on the wall, the speed of me falling lit the matches and on my decent down, the old building caught fire. And that is when I felt my body collide a hay cart. I was alive.

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