Chapter Ten

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I had Levi in my lap for awhile, he passed out awhile ago but he was still breathing. It was getting dark out and I didn't want to be in the forest at night.

"Levi," I said in a calm voice, "if you don't fucking wake up, I will drag you the rest of the way." There was silence, "Levi please-" I was rudely interrupted by Levi as his hand pushed my head away slightly, "even when I'm dieing you whine like a bitch" Levi grumbled as he lifted his head. He blinked a few times before his eyes adjusted. "How long was I out?" I bit my tongue, "a few hours at least.." His eyes widened and he sat up quickly. "A few hours? Why didn't you wake me up sooner?" I looked down, "I was... worried that you were stressed and overworked- and I just thought some rest is good." One eyebrow raised as he spoke, "of all the times to rest, you thought here was a good place?" I looked away, "shit you know what Eren? I was awake a few hours ago. I was just being lazy..." I could tell that he was lying, but it still made me feel better. "Lazy fucker." I laughed as I went along with it. "What can I say? You being pregnant made your thighs more plump.. very comfortable." He grinned as I snorted. "That's not from being pregnant you dumb ass." I stood up while supporting him. "Fuck, those are your thighs?" I pinched his side, "Of course their my fucking thighs." And we both laughed and joked the rest of the way in the  most dangerous forest ever. Being, extremely loud.

I woke up in a clearing, next to Levi when I heard voices. "Pregnant Omega and a injured Alpha? How did they survive the Titan forest?"
"Titan forest?" I whispered to myself.
Opening my eyes, I saw two men, one that was tall and muscular with blond hair and the other was taller and skinny, broad shoulders and dark brown or even black hair. "I think they are waking up, be careful, if they survived the Titan Forest then they might be extremely dangerous."  I pretended to shift and wake up, wincing for real while sitting up.  Levi was laying his head on my lap again so I shifted slowly. "Fuck, Eren stop moving around so much." Levi whined with his eyes closed. I don't know if he was pretending to wake up just then, or if he was legit  just now waking up. The two men decided to watch us for a little while instead of making themselves known at first. The first thing I noticed was that Levi immediately let out a very overbearing and protective scent. It made me shudder and and go hot with happiness and want. I shoved my omega down and let off a very hostile scent instead. The two alphas  scent was washed away with the mix of of ours. That was, until an even stronger scent was let known. It was strong with leadership and power. My omega surged through and bared its neck, and my body followed along.  The man approached, he was tall and blond. Big eyebrows and blue eyes. He was strong, you didn't just have to smell him to know that, you could see it in his build. He had broad shoulders, and arms you could tell were just a present of muscle underneath. Levi was a dwarf in comparison, but he could still take on this other alpha if he tried hard enough.  

"Reiner, Berthold" he nodded to the two, "help these two up and put them inside the carriage." he turned towards us and glared and Levi, "one is wounded, I can smell the blood."

Sorry guys, this chapter was super short. But it took way to long to just write this chapter, like seriously this is ridiculous. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my little bullshit of a chapter and stay tuned for the next updates. Peace -TREE

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