Chapter Three

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"Wow, Queen are one scary woman." Levi said as he brushed some debrie off him and Eren.
"Well, King Levi.  I'm not usually so 'scary'. I just love Eren to bits.  Speaking of which, we should bring him to the infirmary.  Carla suggested as she turned towards Levi. 

Levi went to Stand up, when a distinct smell caught his nose.  "Your that, smoke?" Levi asked, eyes landing on the now ablaze window.

"Oh by the love of Rose! My castel will burn!" Carla yelled, obviously distraught.  "We must leave now!" Levi said urgently.  He picked Eren up, and nodded his head in the direction of which he came.

"Oh please, King Levi.  You act like I don't know my on castle.". Carla said with a smirk.  She then proceeded to walk towards a wall and pull out a block. "This will lead us to the Library on the next floor down.  We should be safer there as we leave." She then stepped to the side and let Levi through.  As she stepped inside, the wall fell back into place. And she grabbed a torch to light the way.

The walls were dark and old, the fire light from the torch making shadows that looked like beasts dance and wave at them from the corners.

"How old is this passage?" Levi asked as they turned a corner.

Carla paused for a second as she thought.  "I don't know the exact age, but at least over 87 years." Carla said with a humm.  "My grandmothers mother was born here.  And so was my mother.  I as well as Eren."

"Sounds like quite a line of history.  How come you guys have gone so down hill?" Levi asked as they went down some old steps.

"Well, it used to be a strong kingdom." Carla pointed out.

"That, I am aware." Levi responded cooley.

"And it was such a pretty sight. You see, King Grisha was a high ranked doctor among our people, but he wasn't royal and has no idea how to run a kindgdom.  He was my doctor, and he visited a lot, seeing as I got sick twice a season." Carla said in a dreamy tone.  "We both ended up falling in love, and he proposed.  Of course I said yes." Carla paused.  "When we got married, my father stepped down and watched from a far.  He went missing soon after." Carla took a shaky breathe. "So, Grisha and I were on our own.  He was-still is a cowardly King.  So, he had a idea to use our first born, Eren, as a peace treaty between a strong and healthy kingdom."

The ceiling shook and dust fluttered down on them. 

"Are we close Carla?" Levi asked, obviously worried.

"Yes, we are here." Carla said as she placed the torch down on a holder and opened the trap door.

Inside was definitely a Library, so they went to take a small rest.  "Is it safe to stop?" Levi asked as he placed Erens unconscious body on a rather fluffy couch.

"Yes, yes.  Just give a woman a moment to rest her feet, these heals are killing me." Carla said as she made shoowing movements and sounds.

"When do we leave the Library?  I don't think we should stay here to long." Levi said.

"In just a moment Levi, look how swolen my feet are." Carla said, whining and making a pouty face.

Levi pinched the bridge of his nose. "Forget it, we are leaving right now." Levi deadpanned as he picked Eren back up. "I'm worried about Eren, he should have woken up by now."

Carla looked over at the two, "did I make the right choice Levi? He had no say in this matter..."

Levi looked over at Carla. "Are you telling me that you still have not told him about the arrangement?"

Carla stayed quite. "What the fuck is wrong with this family?" Levi sighed as he sat next to Eren.

"Levi I-" Carla began but was not able to finish. One of the books had caught fire and had made it's way over the entrance and the secret door.

"What kind of fire spreads that fast?" Levi yelled. "We need to leave, fuck your feet lady." Levi threw Eren into his should and held on to the nook of his back. "I'm coming....Slow down!" Carla yelled, running with her heals in one hand and her skirt pulled up in the other.

As they turned the corner to leave, a big wave of ruble and fire crashed down. Making Levi drop Eren and lose sight of Carla.

"Carla?! Are you alive?" Levi asked over the roaring of the flames.

"Y-yes I am fine..." Carla yelled back. "You don't sound fucking fine to me! Where are you? I'm coming." Levi grumbled as he stood up. "Carla watch out!" Levi yelled as the wall caved in over her head.

Levi heard coughing behind him. "Eren?" Eren was coughing up a black and red substance as he tried to sit up. "W-what's happening?" Eren asked in a breathless whisper. Black-red oozing from his mouth and nose. "Oh shit Eren-" Levi coughed and coughed hard. He looked down at his black gloves hand. The same coloring was now on his glove. "We need to-cough-leave."

Levi quickly walked over to Eren and grabbed his hand. "We need to find my mom!" Eren wheezed out in another coughing fit. "Fuck no, it's to late. Let's go." Levi said as he forcefully grabbed Erens wrist.

"Let go!" Eren yelled as he struggled, weak from the smoke he coughed up more. So, Levi did the next best thing. He punched Eren in the stomach and threw him over his shoulder.

As they walked away, Eren saw his mother be swallowed by the flame. Her screams echoed in his head as he stared wide eyed as his mother was devoured by the heat. Until he fainted.

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