Chapter Seven

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Characters act out of character in this chapter lol sorry, this is my first smut tbh

Who would have known Eren was fully capable of manipulating someone to fuck him while he was in full blown heat?
"Levi, just think about it? Please, I took my birth control, I won't get pregnant.  Plus, you're in a rut.."




"I'll just suck your dick, please?"

Now, that was pretty tempting.  I'll just face fuck him.

"...fine." I mumbled out.  And as quickly as I said it, Eren burst through the boxes and landed between my legs.

His face was sheen with sweat and blush, he was drooling and trembling.

I stayed silent as he worked my zipper.

"Mm, th-thanks." Eren moaned out as he touched my burning member.

He pulled it out and quickly licked it from the base up in one sweet saturated moment. Sending a delicious shiver through my body and glob if pre- cum from my dick.

"Ahh shit, Eren." I moaned as my head fell back and my hand in his hair. "Fuck! Just like that."

Eren licked and nipped at the tip. Slowly, swirling his tongue  in the slit. With one hand he rubbed the mid of my girth, and with the other, he rubbed his own needing dick.

"Mhm, almos-sttt" Eren moaned with one particularly hard stroke of his cock.

"Keep-keep going." I said in sultry. Both hands tugging at his hair and my head thrown back.

Maybe it was his scent that thrown me over more than usual, but whatever it was, this was my best blowjob ever.

Eren sucked hard on my tip as he came, prevoking  a stream of cum to emit from my orgasm.
Breathing out a thick Moan full of want, my head felt light and I was overcome by a blanket of coolness. Almost enough to fall asleep.  That is, until something hot and warm was shoved down onto my dick so fast it hurt.

Now fully awake, I was fully hard again by Eren who had thrown himself on me while I wasn't looking. "Mmhahhh!" He pulled out from his mouth, rubbing circles on my dick sitting fully seated inside. Slick was gushing around my pelvic area, making it sticking and sickly sweet.

"Ow- fuck Eren I wasn't prepared."
Eren turned around to where he was facing me, eyes dilated and tinted with lust, lips flushed with red from where he bit them.  Nipples swollen from where he tweaked them himself.  "Ah fuck, never mind." I growled out as I grabbed his hips and started to bounce him on my dick.  Using my thighs for power and legs for balance. Every bounce sent a sweet moan from Eren that sent me on a sugar high. "Eren," I grunted. "Uh huh?" He panted out quickly. "Keep- keep doing that." I moaned out. "What, this?" He asked as he slammed down and made his way back up in circles. Grinding my dick in addictive waves. "Ye-yeAH" I moaned out as I bite into his shoulder in a tight embrace. My knot catching painfully on his rims. I shuddered with half attempted thrusts as I forced my knot inside in a thirsty driven haze of lust.  "Mhm, mate me Levi."

And I do.

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