Chapter 1: Elapse

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[I haven't decided if I'm doing switching POV yet so bare with me]


I don't want to think about today. I didn't want to think about tomorrow either. Yesterday should go away too, just putting that out there. I hated time more than I hated myself or hated Toffee or hated myself for not hating Toffee about a year prior to my loathing of time.
Why do I hate time so much, you might ask?
Because it isn't constant. Without a clock you're stranded, trapped in a timeless void. Seconds, minutes, hours, they all don't exist. Days, one after another, seemed to roll by in different lengths and durations. Monday's were the long, but Friday's were longer. And even so, Friday, last period staring at a clock made it feel like those forty-five minutes were longer than the entire month of February.
But I have to say, longer than Friday's and Monday's and last periods and February was waiting by Star's hospital bed. Because now, as I write this down for you, I can't tell you how long I was there. I waited for her to wake up, how long did I kneeled by her side with my hand on hers, preying her eyes would open? I don't know. How long did I hear her voice, her sweet, seamless voice, ringing throughout the hospital room, yet she still remained still? I can't tell you. How long ago did I smash that heart rate monitor or punched the mirror in the bathroom because there is no clock in this fucking hospital room on fucking Earth? I still can't even estimate a length. So, you can sit there all you want with your abusive looks and powerful eyes but I can't tell you for certain how long ago anything happened or how long Star's been the way she is. All I can do is try my best to stay calm and write down everything that happened these last few months so you can fix her. Fix Star, that's your job. Not to judge me, not to try to peel away my persona expecting me to be weaving a (if I was conspiring with myself) intricate web of lies. I'm doing this, all of this, so you can fix her.
So fix her, help her. Do magic or actual medicine or whatever but fix Star.
Or so help me I will get a whole lot more uncooperative than refusing to talk to you.

Okay here it goes....

*•.•*•.•*•.•*•.•*About 6 Months Ago*•.•*•.•*•.•*•.•*

"Nah Jackie, it's okay." I say, lying upside down off my bed. "I'm more of a night owl anyways."
"Yeah but it's like midnight, Marco." I can hear Jackie's desk chair squeak over the phone. "If you want to go to bed I don't mind."
"Really because two hours ago you were practically begging me to help you study for your bio test tomorrow."
"Yeah but now I feel guilty it's pretty late."
"Jackie c'mon," I laugh a little. "Now tell me what cellulose is-"
I hear a scream come from Star's room.
I fall off my bed and my phone slides under it. I can hear Jackie calling out through the speaker but I'm too busy cursing at the lack of traction my socks have on the wood floor. I launch myself into my door before realizing to goes inward. I curse to my self again and push myself off the hallway wall and slam into Star's door. It breaks off the lock and I fall into her room.
I watch as she scrambles for her lamp and turn it on. I squint as the light flashes on and the room sparkles. We share stunned glances at each other.
"Marco," she says cautiously. "What are you doing?"
"I heard you screaming and I-" I point back to the knocked over wall art my breathing settles a little. "You weren't screaming... Were you?"
She shakes her head. "No. I was sleeping. I wasn't even having a nightmare or anything."
"Oh." I squeak. I begin to back out awkwardly and make it past the door frame, "well then have a good night-"
"Marco," Star calls out. "Are you okay?"
"What?" I peak back in.
"Are you okay? Seeing anything weird or..."
"No." I smile halfheartedly. "No I mean nothing. Just though, must've been something over the phone. Jackie may have been watching something on her tv or something-"
"Oh you were up with Jackie?" Star seemed intrigued.
"Yeah just helping her study for her bio test tomorrow." I smile half heartedly. "You know how difficult Mrs. Eisten can be with her exams and stuff. That woman is relentless."
She chuckles. "Yeah I had her for earth science last year she's pretty damn horrible."
We share a laugh until Star reaches over to her lamp and turns it off. "Gnight, Marco."
"Night, Star. Glad you're okay."
The room went quiet and I closed the door. A few times, considering a hinge was broken and it wouldn't lock. Anyways I made it back to my room and ran my hands through my hair. Then I proceeded to grab my phone, which was still on a call with Jackie.
I take a deep breath, "Hey."
"Oh my gosh Marco." She sighs with relief. "I was this close to calling the cops are you okay?"
"Uh yeah I just..." I cough awkwardly. "It was nothing. Just realized I left the stove on." I cringe a little.
"Ah." I hear her flip a page.
"So uh where were we?" I say as I slide into my bed and flip aimlessly through own text book.
"You know Marco I think I'm good." She confesses. I can tell she's lying.
I switch ears. "Yeah? You sure?"
"Mhm. See you tomorrow."
"Yeah see you tomorr-"
She hangs up before I could finish. I sigh loudly and toss my phone on my bed. She was lying, I could here the pity in her voice. It's laced in so many people's now a days, I can hear them feeling sorry for me. I get up angrily and slam open my door, it smacked the walk and shakes the still house but I needed noise and this was better than screaming. I then slide my way into the bathroom and throw cold water in my face like I'm on a Nutrigena commercial. I look up at my face, making eye contact with myself. Brown eyes. Deep, chocolate-like brown eyes with not a fleck of gold in them.
But still, swirling behind them was some craziness, something that would never go away.
I can hear Star scream again which sends me onto the tile floor.


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